Chapter 23: Relentless

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Hayden's POV

So after we had cleared up the confusion and agreed to be in a relationship, I reminded them that this was my first time in a 14-way relationship so we definitely had to work some schematics out, like how to prevent others from getting jealous, to prevent neglect of one guy and over indulgence on another etc .

To my surprise they'd already come up with a plan (past experience showing, guys) and schedules. The guys made me sign a contract too, saying that if things ever got bitter between us, I would get to keep whatever presents they had given to me, but in exchange, I wouldn't go to the press about this relationship or company secrets. I'd scoffed saying I knew how betrayal felt and that I would kill myself rather than expose them but they pleaded, citing peace of mind.

Astonishingly, while I was getting myself beaten to bloody pulp, these guys were casually setting up a room for me in this tremendous loft of theirs. The Colour scheme was chaotic but in a good sort of way. Gabriel told me he'd pieced together the guys' individual ideas to create this, and I was floored. It was made up of the guys' favorite Colours and Gabriel had worked his magic to make it all come together very seamlessly.

They had all settled in the living room for some games between themselves. I played spectator still too overwhelmed to play anything right now.

The pain and ache all over my body was becoming unbearable again so I trudged over to Silas where he was lounging and plopped myself unceremoniously on his lap, drapping my legs over Raven's lap, purposely letting the heel of my foot graze his manhood. They both stopped paying attention to the game of Poker they were in, not caring about the high stakes. Nathan, Marc, Brandon and North looked on, amused, as they continued playing for money.

I leaned my head back onto Silas' massive shoulder, looking up at him through my eyelashes. ''Could I, ride you to the kitchen?'' I murmured into his ear, making him stiffen a little. ''W-what?'' He asked

''Could you, give me a piggy-back ride to the kitchen?'' I asked again, this time my voice at normal volume.

''Sure, '' He stood up with me immediately, dumping his cards on the table. ''Silassss, ''Brandon and North groaned in unison at his departure.

''Είστε ζηλιάρης που επέλεξε να με οδηγήσει'' (You are jealous she chose to ride me) He told them, smirking widely, in Greek? I supposed.

The entire room halted in whatever activities they were engaging in an zeroed in on us. Knowing that they'd all heard Silas and that he probably said something dirty, I shrugged casually, ''What?''I jumped onto his back the best I could with my bruised body. ''Let's go!''

Chuckling, he walked me away from the room towards the kitchen, and I ignored the hushed whispers the guys behind us were sending each other.

''You guys all know Greek, was it?''

''Yeah,'' Silas confirmed. ''We all knew different languages so, Owen and Axe came up with the idea for us all to learn each other's languages. I taught them Greek, North taught Greek also, Raven taught Russian, the twins- Bulgarian, Owen and Axe, German, Sean and Marc Japanese, Kota, Nate and Victor were French and Spanish and Luke and Gabe taught us Hindi. It was a fantastic time and we had so much fun, especially San- ahem, we're here!'' He cut off abruptly when he veered towards the topic of Sang. His face had contorted slightly, as if stuck in bad memories.

I jumped off his back and walked in front of him. ''Silas,'' i cooed ''You don't have to talk about things you don't want to. We all have our secrets, but if you're ever wanting to share or just talk about it, I'm here,'' I placed a hand on his rough cheek and kissed it softly.

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