Chapter 2: Unexpected meeting

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UPON reaching the Larete bookshop, I open the door in excitement as this shop has a lot of fancy books as well as stationeries and to top it all they are inexpensive. As I step inside, something catch my attention, a music box. My gaze rivet on it and thus without hesitation I walk towards it, holding it up and realize that it is the LIMITED EDITION music box. While turning the triangle ring key, the music played is the instrument of 'Always be there' by Vuropt.

[Vuropt is the young high school band which contains 4 members. They are around 17-19 years old right now]

The music is rather melancholy as it is the slow version of the song and to top it all, this is one of my favorite songs, simultaneously, I wonder why nobody bought this LAST one. Can't they just appreciate such music? Why is it that nowadays people will rather prefer those rock music rather than this type? Though I ought to count myself lucky as it still has one last stock for me.

Suddenly I feel so bless to live somewhere near this bookshop as there are a lot of unique stocks which hardly can be found in another shops or supposedly be bookshops. Eventually I take the last one and scan through the bookshop.

Not long after that, I catch a sight of the small light-blue box as well as Ryou's present. I hold up the present and take a good look at it and eventually I know what I am going to buy for him. This notebook which the cover has some different patterns whilst the title is so huge with a word 'Freedom' on it. Perhaps I should buy it then write some messages for him! Yes! It's decided then. Thus I purchase the 3 items which cost around WD29. Frankly, it is rather cheap since the music box is LIMITED EDITION. 

As I walk out of the shop, out of the blue, someone bumps into me and I close my eyes tightly due to the sudden 'attack'.

"O-uch." I fall down while rubbing my right hand as there are a few pebbles on my palm. It hurts and it is red, yet it doesn't bleed.

"HEY! ARE YOU OKAY!?" He is stupefied at this scene and yet I keep quiet due to my shyness and I don't know how to react.

Oh my Invist! Why can't I just be as normal as the others who won't get shy too easily? These problems have been tormenting my for so long.

At that moment he holds out his hand but I refuse to accept his help. Instead I stand up on my own. I refuse his help not because I hate him or whatsoever negative reasons but as I have stated just now, I am shy.

In a blink of an eye, I realize that my leg is finally injured as it will be even weirder for me not to bleed in such situation. I guess I rubbed my leg against the ground just now. It is so embarrassing.

"Ummm, are you feeling better? I mean... argh! Never mind! But are you okay?" He flusters and I reply him with a nod indicating that I am fine. "I'm terribly sorry about it."

After that I look into the 'LRTBS' plastic bag ensuring that nothing is gone.

[LRTBS is the abbreviation of 'Larete bookshop']

Check: Notebook is still there, small light-blue box also there... ... but the music box is gone! Invist, how can you be so mean to me? Such a waste for a LIMITED EDITION music box!!

Eventually I start to look around and he approaches me while lifting his right eyebrows looking puzzled. "Did you lose anything?"

"Y-yes," I stutter, not knowing what else I am supposed to say.

"Perhaps... I'll come back later to look for it for you. I'm sorry but I'm going to be late for the enrolment of school at the registration shop," and he runs towards the left direction not giving me a chance to respond.

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