Chapter 5: The Music Music Encounter

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After Mr. Zane’s class, it is 8:30a.m and we are having a music lesson with Mrs. Flonne.

[Mrs. Flonne Vallie, 36, a music teacher with an exceptional vocal. Every lesson she will not fail to mention her son, Shin Vallie, who is from Eittramd High, the boys’ school. Usually she would prefer to be called as Mrs. Flonne rather than Mrs. Vallie but that doesn’t mean her relationship with her husband is volatile.]

“Morning guys! Please sit down. Today we are going to listen to music,” Mrs. Flonne comes in and greets us then places her laptop on the table while busying on it.

“Hey, Shinkei right?” Natsuki turns and continues without allowing Kazeki to respond, “so what do you think about Mr. Zane’s lesson?”

“Quite interesting, especially his humor I think. Just like the past…” he realizes he says something wrong and quickly responses by changing it, “I mean just like the guy whom I used to know and actually you can call me Kazeki since…” Kazeki stops and looks at me.

“Since what?” Natsuki cocks her head to the left in puzzlement.

“N-nothing,” Kazeki stutters and through body language it seems that he is keeping something from us.

“Okay, I won’t force you, but I thought you said that you would prefer to be called as Shinkei?” Natsuki asks once again and doesn’t seem to be letting go off him.

“Err… Natsuki, you are still asking the same question you know?” I chime in.

“But I did paraphrase it right?”

“Hmmm you will know it sooner or later I guess. Actually there is nothing negative in calling me Kazeki,” Kazeki stays calm.

“Okay, fine,” Natsuki grimaces and turns to me then continues, “anyway, Ame, I don’t think Kaze has any chances anymore~”

“What do you mean by CHANCE? I seriously don’t get it friend. He is already in one of my ‘top priority list’,” I argue.

“Since you are so dense, you won’t get it. Never mind,” Natsuki gives up and I keep silent.

“What in the world is happening to both of you? Kaze? Chance?” Kazeki looks curious.

“Whoa, slowly. Kaze is my brother. His full name is Fujiwara Kazeto, 18 years old. He is the best brother in the world. He is so caring!!” Natsuki is choked by her saliva and stops awhile, feels embarrassing. “Ahem… and he has a crush on a girl who is my best friend though she is too dense that she doesn’t even realize it,” Natsuki utters while emphasizing each and every words.

“Is that girl someone I know?” Kazeki asks curiously.

“Hmmm curiosity kills the cat, boy,” Natsuki utters lazily. “Oops, I mean bro,” she corrects herself.

As we are chatting over here, I realize that Mrs. Flonne’s gaze is on us. I understand what she means instantaneously and thus turning to Natsuki and Kazeki hinting them about the ‘emergency’. As Mrs. Flonne looks intensely at our direction, it is predictable what she will do next.

“So, you are the new transfer student that Mr. Zane has mentioned? You know, first day attending school where full of unfamiliar faces that you are exposed to are somehow making you nervous right? I don’t know if I’m right but that was what Shin first experienced when he first entered his Elementary school,” Mrs. Flonne explains.

“Yes, my name is Shinkei Kazeki but honestly, I’m not that nervous since I have friendly people in my surrounding.” Kazeki then rubs his long chin for awhile as though something is bothering him thus he continues, “Hmmm, may I know who is Shin?” Kazeki seems to be looking for trouble.

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