Chapter 7: Ryou's 1/5 love

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After we are dismissed, I decide to walk home with Ryou and Natsuki, as usual. However, all of a sudden we have a new company, Kazeki. I don’t know since when we have or supposedly be they have been so close with Kazeki. It is so awkward and I am trying hard to stay cold, no smiling, no revealing of my true self, no breaking of my rule once again.

Though before we step out of the gate, I catch a glimpse of unpredictable queen, chatting away with her classmates.

“Ryou, Vander is there,” I tug Ryou’s sleeve and he looks at the direction I am looking at as fast as a lightning strike then he looks as though he is dreaming.

“What happened?” Natsuki asks while looking at the direction as well and keeps on walking until she accidentally kisses on Froys’ forehead once again. “It’s you again! I was lucky yesterday but not today,” she grimaces, rushing to my side while rubbing her lips aggressively, simultaneously I almost laugh it out and break my rule.

“HAHA Natsuki, how does it taste like? It doesn’t look like it is your first time~” Kazeki teases and then follows Ryou’s gaze. “So, who is that?” he asks.

“She is Vander. The one with the short hair,” I utter.

Without realizing, Ryou is walking towards her and thus we follow behind him and hide behind a wall to take a peek and eavesdrop.

“I feel that we are just like a ninja!” Natsuki exclaims softly and then we focus on Ryou’s flower-blooming time.

“Hi, my name is Ryou, Mizato Ryou. Do you still remember me?” Ryou grins.

“Oh, it’s you, nice to meet you~” Alexandra smiles and continues, “So, is your leg better?” At the same time, her friends walk away discreetly as though they know some firework is going on.

“Yes! Thanks for your handkerchief!” Ryou exhilarates.

“Nope, anyway, I am Alexandra Vander.”

“I know, you are the girl from the legend. Anyway, I…” Ryou breathes in. “I… l-l-l-like y-y-you… I mean I like Ryou, I like my name HAHAHA!” Ryou stammers. Oh my Invist, this is the first time seeing him stammering because of love.

“Actually I think your name is special. It sounds unique with the ‘you’ inside of your name as it emphasizes that Ryou is your name,” Alexandra smiles the brightest smile.

“T-t-thank you. Hmmm what if, I mean WHAT IF, what if I like you, will you accept me?” Ryou stutters.

“Oh really? Then it will be my pleasure,” Alexandra utters nonchalantly and Natsuki, Kazeki and I gasp at her oh-really reaction. “However, look, this is neither a movie nor anime. We don’t really know each other. How about let’s take it step by step? If we are closer, you will be the first I will choose, okay?” Alexandra suggests.

“I think I get it but don’t get the wrong idea. It is not yet a confession. I will never ever confess to a girl like this. However, do keep your promise. If this is really a confession then I will be absolutely dejected but I won’t give up,” Ryou says in a matter-of-fact tone. “Let’s be friend. So do you mind giving me your phone number?”

“Sure,” and they exchange their phone number. “Done.”

“Hey, anyway, let me introduce you to some of my friends,” Ryou directs us to go there and we do as we are told obediently. “Here, she is Fujiwara Natsuki and she is Sousachi Kazuame. Both of them are my childhood best friend, whereas he is my new friend, Shinkei Kazeki. You are allowed to call them by their first name of course,” Ryou introduces and we nod.

“Oh hi, I am Alexandra Vander, nice to meet you all. I didn’t know I have gotten the pleasure to know so many friends and don’t forget, do call me Alexandra is enough.”

“Hi,” the three of us chorus.

“Anyway, I have to go first. Anything, do call me. You can have my number from Ryou. Bye~” Alexandra walks away with her other friends and they are giggling away. I can see that her friends are teasing her from afar as I can see that Alexandra is smiling away like a little girl. I am relieved.

“Whoa, she is really magnetic and striking in some way without any reason,” Natsuki gasps.

“And friendly,” Ryou continues, “we are officially friend! Means I have a better chance in becoming her boyfriend! YEA! Step 1, success!” Ryou exclaims whilst Kazeki and I exchange a glance as though saying, ‘He is crazy about love right now. Way too active’

As I glance around, I catch a sight of the school rooftop and realize Eliotrose Cornell is there, looking as though she is talking to someone but not sure who that person might be. Perhaps the rumor about the haunted rooftop is right or perhaps I am just being too crazy and over imagined. I don't know.

Soon, we start to move and I am concerned about Ryou being sad due to the implicit rejection, seeing him smiling and jumping around even caused me to worry about him. However I am sure he doesn’t want us to worry over him, thus I must act nonchalantly about it too. In order to do so, let’s just think that he is just too happy thinking that he still has a chance and forgets about the rejection which is absolutely great. Ryou, I’m so proud of you and I like you a lot.


Finally this chapter is out.

Wait... something is wrong here! What is happening to our dear Kazuame? She likes Ryou? Oh my Invist, oh my Invist. What's happening in this world. Oh well, should I say what is happening in Wilstend? HAHA! Alright, it's not the time to laugh HAHA! Okay, okay. 

So, is this coming to an end? Well, since you know, everytime when a girl and a boy finally together they will say... THE END hahah! I don't know. Alright, I don't know a lot of things! Only Invist knows about it I guess haha!

Okay okay, I won't talk too much okay, I shall seal my mouth with... I don't know xD

With love,


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