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This story is dedicated to... my best friends and YOU! Yes, YOU! :)

Alright, this is my first time doing such thing and hope that I won't offend anybody huh? Well I don't really think it will. However I know all of you will be in confusion about the whereabouts of this PLACE. Well, it's WILSTEND. Another PLANET. YES! It's a PLANET. You don't know about it of course and you will never know unless you read a book named 'Wilstend'... however, it's not out yet! HOHOHO!!! Alright, I know I'm cunning but haiz, don't mind about it. Anyway, sorry for the grammar mistakes later on as well as the insufficient of vocabularies xD. ALRIGHT! LET'S GO~!!!!

Oh!!! wait!! The one in bracket [] is something like the narrator's feeling or maybe personal introduction and not to forget it will be in PRESENT TENSE most of the time ;)



SOMETIMES what you see may not be true which also means 'don't judge a book by its cover'. There are a lot of people in this world. There are shy people, cruel people, intellectual, cunning, tsundere, and etc. Personally tsundere (a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing their warm side over time) people are the most pitiable as they have to hide their true selves and show the others their evil or perhaps even cold side. It is a torture. We -- tsundere people -- don't know when will we die or some other mishaps and yet we are already deceiving ourselves and the others. It is far worse than death! I believe that everybody will be in this state, the hiding self. Even if it does not happen now, it will happen later on and this is life! I've experienced it before, so do you?


YES! It's just so SIMPLE!!!! :)

Do enjoy... I GUESS?

With love,


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