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Chapter 3

Musuku's POV

Sarah Munangwa's mom told me that she found Munangwa just lying unconsciously outside the gate when she came back from work.

She says when she asked the neighbours they told her that she had been in that state for over four hours but they never bothered helping because Sarah's family acts like they are better than everybody and as though they do not need anyone so they wanted to teach her a good lesson.

I stood up and went to go hug her as she wept, I understood how she felt because a lot of people hated my family too, they think the same of us and this is because we refuse to follow their worldly footsteps of rituals and sacrifices. So many times we get invitations to ceremonies dedicated to ancestral worship and the likes and we have always turned them down so that resulted in animosity and us being branded as those who think they are better that everyone.

I felt in my spirit that I needed to go be with my friend, I hurried to her room and when I got in she was awake, I asked her what happened and she told me she doesn't remember but there is a hot guy she needs to see.

I held her hand and I saw a vision of a dark cloud trying to consume her, through her eyes the same cloud looked beautiful and appealing and that led to her walking towards it and following its lead, but from my view it was grey and ugly and it seemed as though it had some evil reference to it.

A voice told me that I had to clear her sight so she may see the cloud for what it really was because her eyes at the moment are made to deceive her.

Her phone rang and I answered it, on the other line I heard a males voice say "you are mine, from now on you do as I want, every time you disobey my commands, you will pass out like today, I am your master, I will marry you and you will not reject me" as I was listening to the voice, a familiar face came in my vision and I saw a tall handsome light skinned guy with brown eyes, he looked fragile and innocent but there was a darkness surrounding him, his expression confused me, it was as though he is fighting hard against it or trying hard to hide it. "Who is this? Listen whoever you are I bind you in the name of Jesus Christ, I lose her from your grasp because she is a child of God and the blood of Jesus flows in her veins, you will have no power over her, your tactics end now and I send the HOLY Ghost fire to burn you and all the evil you have upon her in the Name of Jesus".

I heard a scream on the other end of the line; he responded "who the hell are you? Your voice stings my ears and your words set my body alight, you speak volumes of flames and I do not like that? How can one possess such power? And you speak of the forbidden name? I need not to hear from you anymore.

The call ended, Munangwa's body was in terror, she was shaking drastically and her eyes were rolling, she was crying at the same time and shouting the name JESUS, I held her hand and prayed with her, I saw a dark demon sitting on her chest trying to suffocate her, I pointed at it and I sent the HOLY Ghost Fire to burn it off her, as soon as it disappeared, Munangwa vomited a big jelly like substance black in colour, then she opened her eyes.

I saw a clear light surrounding her and I knew she was back and free, she cried and held on to me in an embrace, I rubbed her back and kissed her forehead telling her everything is okay and that I am there for her. She got up from bed and she told me she saw an old man who wouldn't leave him alone.....

If God be for us, who can be against us?

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