Movie Night (Chromedome X Femme!Reader) MTMTE

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Hello and welcome back!
This time on transformers we have a request for Chromedome
__speedy__prime__ requested this and asked for a fluffy lost light femme story
So what better place to take it then movie night!
Also I'm really sorry if this is OOC I tried really hard but I feel like
Chromey is a really hard character to nail down since a lot of his story revolves around his partner
again I'm really so super sorry if you don't like it!!!

For story clarification you're really good friends with Swerve and Nautica is your roommate who you're also really good friends with

🤖 ~ Hope you enjoy! ~ 🤖

It was movie night tonight and that means a full night of watching human movies. It was a favorite past time of yours as there wasn't much to do on the Lost Light. Or at least there isn't much to do until you somehow get roped into another wacky adventure. Between spark eaters and rogue time traveling scientists, living on the Lost Light really was an adventure. So it really was nice to relax every once in a while.

Tonight's movie selection was as you were told by Swerve earlier: Back to the Future 2, Iron Giant, Shanghai Noon, and would end on Nemo, which was a personal favorite of Rodimus.

You had seen Nemo before because Rodimus makes sure it plays every night and he bawls over it... every night. Swerve told you that tonight the only actually sad movie was Iron Giant so you had that to look forward to.

If you were going tonight you would have to enlist the help of your movie partner. When you knock on his door he answers almost immediately.

"You almost ready?"

"I need a few more seconds sunshine, want to come in I'll just be a second?"


You enter the habsuite after Chromedome. You take in his living space. It's sparse but not without personality. He leaves to walk into the wash racks connected to his room. You sit on his berth and wait for him to finish whatever he's doing in there while looking over everything in the room that you can. You hear a few grumbled words and something falling by a few choice words. A few clicks and the door opens and he finally comes out. He rubs the back of his neck.

"Ready to go?"

You don't even want to know so you just nod and he wraps his arm around your shoulder before heading out.

There already seemed to be a ton of mechs at the bar and makeshift theater. Once you spotted Swerve you waved at him, he waved back and you walked over.

"Looks busy today"

"Sure is, I think a lot of mechs missed the last one and after last weeks adventure I think we could all use something lighter"

"That's for sure"

"Nautica saved you both a seat, and here" He slid you over a box. When you tried to open his pushed down on the cover. "When the lights go down you can open it"

"Thanks Swerve" You say as you put it in your subspace.

"No problem kid"

When you leave the bar to go get your seats Nautica waves you over frantically. You take a seat between her and Chromedome. Just like clockwork she starts talking almost nonstop and five minutes into the movie she's recharging peacefully.

This part of movie night is your favorite part. You lean on Chromedome, he wraps an arm around your frame and you just talk about anything and everything.

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