Kissing headcanons! MTMTE, Prime, RID2015

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Hello friends!

The reader in these headcanons are the same faction as their bot
but if you guys are interested in some autobot/decepticon hidden relationship kiss headcanons
let me know!



• He's so excited you've been together for a bit now and he honestly can't wait so the two of you plan a day for it to happen.
• Yeah it's kinda awkward but what first kiss isn't? After it happens you both pull away and laugh, your eyes meet when the giggles settle down and the second one after that? That's the one you get the fireworks for.


• Drift tries so hard to not think about what your lips would taste like on his, He's been Deadlock for most of his life and any kiss he got during that was biting and often left sore and bleeding lips, but you're so much softer then that and despite trying to meditate to get his mind off it he can't.
• It's actually quite the surprise to both of you when it happens, Drift just couldn't stop thinking about it and you were being so cute he even surprised himself, after your initial surprise you wrap your arms around him and pull him closer, finally.


• Thinks kissing is super gross, might throw up if it lasts to long, wouldn't you just rather hold hands? No? Ugh... There are so many super gross germs in your mouth, in his mouth, why would you want to share them thats disgusting.
• Despite his distaste for the idea he's the one to kiss you first, he really likes you and wanted to show you that, it was really sweet and good, definitely his first kiss to, congratulations.



• Wheeljack has been planning ok, because goodness your lips just look so soft and pretty, and he really really likes you.
• As soon as your lips meet explosions go off, as in actual explosions, he's been planning and after a kiss so dizzying you watch the fireworks before starting again, it's absolutely perfect.


• This is something Optimus plans, he wants it to be absolutely perfect. He shows up with flowers (Your favorite) and takes you out to your favorite food place, and under the stars he starts to lean in.
• It's soft and sweet but also short. Optimus is the kinda guy who wants to take your relationship slow, which means shorter kisses, but he's fantastic at them and they always leave you wanting more.


• Ratchet likes to hide all three of his feelings so chances are unless you spend a ton of time with him you won't even be aware of his crush.
• It happens when you're about to leave on a mission, you think he's about to yell at you for something but instead he gives you to quickest peck on your lips before telling you that you'd better make it back and walking over to his console. You touch your lips and watch him turn around and wink at you. You'll definitely have to make it back now.


• Starscream is going to do what he wants, when he wants, without any preamble concerning anyone else's feelings but his own, or so he says.
• When he does it, he'll slowly lift your face with a single taloned finger, softly and slowly he'll put his lips on yours, giving you enough time to pull away but you don't. You don't want to because it's the sweetest thing you've ever felt.


• He's probably the one who'd kiss you without putting much thought into where the relationship would go afterwords, despite the fact that after kissing you he realizes that there could be something after all.
• It's after a victory, a big victory and everyone is celebrating, all of the sudden your vision is filled with cherry red paint and lips that are softer then you've ever felt in your life.



• You know Sideswipe is lying to you when he talks about how many other bots he's kissed, he's still nervous if he's holding your hand right.
• You have to be the one to kiss him first, he's way to freaked about doing it wrong and making you want to break up with him to even try, so when you finally make that move, he absolutely melts into it, you can hear his high speed engine purring and when you pull away he looked absolutely dazed.

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