[Update + Fic]

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Hello everyone!
Sorry for not updating sooner but I've been a little tapped on ideas
I had something planned for RB Blurr but I just never got around to finishing it

So to update you, there's a pretty nasty storm heading our way and I might not be able to update at all for a while
So if there's a lag in stories I haven't abandoned this book I'm just waiting for the power to come back on

So instead of giving you guys nothing
I have this that I wrote for Tumblr but ended up deleting
it's not an X Reader but it has,
Rodimus, Drift, Windblade, and Starscream in it
I just really want them all to be friends and hang out
and that's what this is
and if you guys are interested I'm kind of trying to bang out as many works as I can so be sure to leave a comment if you like it because
I have 800 words of Starscream and Rodimus chilling
that I've already written and I'm going to do my best to hammer them out before the power does
X reader request will also be generously appreciated

"Still out here Windblade?"
Drift walks out onto the balcony of Starscream's tower. The noise and lights are still raging behind him. It's on it's last leg but due to the size of the party in question there's still a large amount of people inside.

"You know how it is. Drunk mechs aren't exactly my thing" Windblade turns around to smile at her old friend. The door shuts behind him and everything is muted again. He comes and joins her by the rail, taking a deep invent of Cybertronian air.

"Can't really say they're mine either"
He smiles down at her and Windblade feels her spark skip a pulse.


"-Good that's good you're doing great. Just lift your core a little more"

"If I lift my core anymore my entire frame is going to be off the ground"



"You're doing great"


"Left foot red"

A collective groan went around the room. Starscream smirked from his perch on the chair. The only one not playing the human game of twister. Rodimus was currently doing his best at trying to subtlety cheat and knock everybody else over. Drift was more flexible then water. And the poor trollop was trying to keep her wings close to her body to keep them out of the way, it didn't really seem to be working.

No one had noticed he'd long stopped using the spinner.


Rodimus looked over the balcony at his best friend. He wished Drift would drink and party with him but he respects Drift's decision. Knowing his past he can't even blame him. Instead of enjoying himself he just hangs out near the wall, happily talking with anyone and everyone who fancies a conversation. Rodimus can tell it's fake, his body language is forced into relaxation everywhere but the shoulders where they're closer to his audials then normal. It's upsetting to see. Even if Rodimus doesn't really understand his aversion.

He's knocked out of his thoughts by another mech coming up behind him. Starscream, either needed a break or didn't like this song either. It didn't matter because now Rodimus was going to be forced to listen to him. Rolling his optics he let his posture fall, despite its offensive tang. He quickly swallowed down everything in his glass to help ease this conversation. Even if he regretted seconds later because he was going to have to go inside to get another. He also now had nothing to loudly sip in annoyance.

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