Walking at night

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Hoseok's house isn't hard to sneak out of, much to Jimin's pleasant surprise. Every bedroom of the home is located on the top floor of the two story building, making it a simple task to leave through the front door. Jimin locks it behind him and ventures out into the night to wait for his boyfriend to arrive. He's immediately overcome with an eerie feeling, but it's always that way when he's alone in the dark. Jungkook will come soon, just a few more minutes.

Jimin sits down on the porch steps and pulls his hood up over his head, crossing his arms around his knees. A thick fog hovers in the air surrounding him and it makes it difficult to see a far distance down the street. He waits for a little while, even resorting to counting the seconds to calm the quaking of his heart. The dark has always scared him, but he'll be fine with Jungkook.

A dark shape then appears from the thick fog and Jimin smiles at his boyfriend, standing up from the creaking steps and taking off in a jog to meet him. "Baby," He calls before he reaches Jungkook.

Like an instinct, Jungkook opens his arms to welcome Jimin into a hug. The shorter boy is visibly shaken about something so he already knows that he made him wait. "Why did you come outside and wait for me?" He asks as Jimin wraps himself around his neck.

"I was being impatient."

"I took five minutes." Jungkook scoffs, but he holds his boyfriend close, rubbing his back to comfort him. "Don't get so worked up, Mochi. You're okay."

Jimin pulls away, a pout settled on his lips. "I'm not getting worked up. I just miss you."

"Oh." Jungkook laughs. "Well good, then hold my hand. Lets go." He holds out his hand for Jimin to take and they turn away from Hoseok's dark house. The night is so silent. "I missed you, too." Jungkook says and squeezes Jimin's hand in his own.

"Do you still have a headache, baby?" Jimin asks as he looks to Jungkook.

"You always give me a headache." Jungkook jokes, nudging Jimin lightly with his elbow so he knows not to take it seriously. "It's better now that I see you."

The shorter boy hums, thinking to himself for a moment before replying. "So, you don't think about our future when we're together physically?"

"I do, but I feel differently about it when I'm with you. It feels less scary." Jungkook explains again and he groans. "Mochi, why do you want to talk about this so much?"

Jimin shrugs. "It's important, isn't it?"

"I guess, but we can talk about other things? I've had enough of serious talk for today, haven't you?"

"I like thinking about our future, but I know it makes you uncomfortable, so we can stop talking about it."

The tinge of sadness in Jimin's voice catches Jungkook's attention and he sighs. "I like it, too. I just need a break from thinking right now. Remember, headache?" He points at his forehead with his free hand and smiles when Jimin laughs at his motion.

"Okay fine. Don't get overwhelmed." Jimin swings their conjoined hands between them, moving his fingers to intertwine them with Jungkook's. The night air feels nice, even if it's damp with fog and looks a bit eerie. He feels safe with his boyfriend holding his hand. "I love you."

Jungkook chuckles softly. "I love you, Mochi. I just want to get to my house so we can-"

A loud pop rips through the quiet night, stopping Jungkook in mid sentence. He turns to look behind him towards the noise. "What was that?" Jimin whispers beside him and he shakes his head.

"I don't know, it sounded like a shot."

"A gunshot?" Jimin clenches Jungkook's hand tighter. He whimpers a little.

Jungkook turns to look at Jimin and his eyebrows are knitted together. "It's okay. Lets just get out of here." He starts to walk again, faster now because the loud noise was far too close for comfort. He doesn't know if if was really the sound of a gun firing or if he just exaggerated the noise, but he doesn't want to find out.

"Yeah." Jimin mutters. He pushes himself to Jungkook's side and they keep walking.

It's quiet again for only another moment, before the distant sound of quick footsteps begin thudding from behind them, coming closer at rapid speed. Somebody is running towards them.

Jungkook turns around again as the steps approach them, pulling Jimin's body behind his own this time. He can't see anybody through the fog, but he can hear heavy breathing and then a man comes into view. He's tall and slender, his frame clearly visible even through a heavy hooded sweater. He meets Jungkook's eyes.

"It's not safe to be out so late." The man sneers. His voice is deep and threatening.

"We're going home." Jungkook responds. He can feel Jimin behind him clutching the back of his shirt. "We don't want any trouble."

"So go home." With a glare settled in his eyes and a nasty smirk lifting his thin lips, the man spits his words. "But first, give me whatever you have. Now. Give it over and we won't have any trouble." His hand reaches into the pouch on the front of his hoodie. "Both of you."

"Yeah, okay." Jungkook nods. He reaches into his pocket, taking out his phone and a couple of stray paper bills. "Give him what he wants." Jungkook mutters over his shoulder. "Whatever you have, Jimin."

They create a small pile of cash and their cell phones on the ground in front of them. Jungkook backs away a little, moving Jimin with him. "Can we go now?"

"You're telling me this is all you have?" The mans voice sounds appalled, angry.

"That's it. We're high school students. We don't have anything else."

The man lifts an eyebrow, surprised. "Oh, it's disappointing." He makes a clicking noise with his tongue as if to scold them for not giving him enough. "I was really expecting more than this." He pulls his hand from his pocket now, the moonlight reflecting off of the shiny metallic frame of the gun in his hand. "I don't need your phones, you should have more money than this."

Jungkook feels his heart stop at the sight of the weapon. He pushes Jimin back again as the stranger comes closer to retrieve the cash from the ground. The sound of glass breaking makes him jump when the man crushes their cell phones beneath the weight of his heavy boot.

"I'll let you go, but only after I give you something to remember me by." His face is wicked, twisted into a snarl that is memorable enough. He backs away and raises his arm and now the gun is pointed at Jungkook's chest. "I'd have been happier with a set of car keys."

The piercing sound of police sirens screeching in the distance startles the man. He looks in their direction. They're coming closer.

"That's unfortunate." He mutters. He lowers his gun a little bit, but it's still pointing in their direction. He rests his finger over the trigger and shrugs. "Distract them for me, alright?"

Jimin never expected for a gunshot from such close range to be so deafening. It bounces between the houses around them, making it last longer still. He watches in silent horror as the man turns from them, sprinting between a couple of near houses and out of sight before he looks to Jungkook. "Baby?" His voice is shaking.

Jungkook manages to catch his breath again, but something is wrong. He looks down to find a hole in his hooded sweater and it's wet. "He shot me." Jungkook heaves. He touches the perimeter of the hole in his clothing, bringing up his hand to see a deep red staining his fingers.

The sirens are getting closer. They will find them, soon. They're coming.

"Jungkook," Jimin calls again. He moves in front of his boyfriend, following Jungkook's hands. Jungkook lifts up his sweater, revealing a white shirt beneath it soaked with blood. The wound is clear to see, a gruesome tear in Jungkook's smooth skin, oozing crimson red. Jimin can feel his eyes clouding over, filling with tears as he rips off his own hoodie as fast as he can. He presses it against the hole in Jungkook's abdomen. "It's okay baby, it's okay, you're fine."

"He shot me." Jungkook repeats his words. He feels dizzy. "He shot me." His legs are losing their strength. He's falling, but it doesn't hurt when he gets to the ground. Jimin's arms are around him.

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