Most important

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"I feel lazy." Jimin whispers into the nape of Jungkook's neck. His warm breath grazes the youngers tender skin, sending a tiny shiver up his spine. Jungkook chuckles at his boyfriends comment, feeling more content than he's felt in weeks.

"Me too, but I kind of like it."

Jimin giggles softly, breath breaking into a yawn. His head pulls back to reveal squinted eyes still trapped by the pull of sleep, heavy eyelids wishing to remain closed and body aching to continue the beautiful slumber that he can only partake in while being held inside of Jungkook's strong arms. He touches the tips of his fingers to the line of Jungkook's jaw, holding it gingerly. "I like this, too. Being lazy is one of my favorite things to do with you, baby."

Jungkook's lips stretch into a grin. His hand cups Jimin's hip, pulling the boy closer. He kisses his forehead, nudges his nose with his own, presses his lips against Jimin's with the pressure a feather might inflict. Jimin's willingness for intimacy shows in an act of deepening the kiss, fingers moving to cover Jungkook's neck. The sounds of their lips meeting, slipping against each other's pink flesh, fill their ears and entices them both to make it last just a little bit longer.

Parting finally for a breath of oxygen, they share a look inscribed with a smile. Jimin can still become shy, reserved after participating in such activities. His everlasting innocence never fails to draw Jungkook in, that shy and careful nature residing within a boy so beautiful the taller can't take his eyes away from him. He's wrapped around Jimin's little finger and he wouldn't want it any other way. "We have our whole lives together to snuggle in bed. We should go out today."

"You need to go to school."

Jungkook doesn't have time to hide the surprise in his reaction. Honestly, the last words he'd expected to hear spoken from Jimin's lips would be those of parting nature. Like instinct, his arm winds around Jimin's middle protectively. "School? Mochi, it can wait."

Knowing beforehand the reaction he should expect, Jimin smiles gently. After the last couple weeks of pure torture, of pain and lies and abandonment, of fighting for the way they can be now, together and surrounded by the warmth of each other's arms, Jungkook must feel lost. His plans were to take a break from school, his mother behind the decision after becoming acutely aware of Jimin's situation and needs. But, as beautiful a decision they had made and as much as he appreciates it with a full heart, he'd feel guilty holding Jungkook back. "School is impor-"

"Don't. Jimin, just don't." Jungkook, eyebrows furrowed in dismay and posture tense instead of relaxed, places his fingers over the others lips to silence him. "No, school is not more important than you. That's all, so don't even try it, okay?"

Jimin's small fingers circle Jungkook's wrist, but the fingers covering his mouth don't move when he wants them too. His eyebrows mimic Jungkook's own and in a muffled voice he rebels against the man's orders and responds. "I can't let you stay-"

"Jimin!" Jungkook interrupts again, completely against allowing Jimin room to make an argument for the idea at all. Sure, education is important. Jungkook is aware, but Jimin isn't thinking selfishly enough to understand that being alone is not something he can just be strong enough for without time to first recover from the lonely feeling of harboring a dark and untold secret. "First of all, as much as I trust you to not disappear in my absence, it's something I still need time to heal from. And secondly, I don't want you to feel all alone, love. You deserve all the time you need to feel strong, don't fake it for my sake. Please?"

The olders scrunched expression softens, a pout on his lips pressing willfully into the pads of Jungkook's fingertips. He sighs, mostly because no real words stick to his tongue. He has nothing to say, because it's likely Jungkook is right. He heart aches for Jungkook to stay, making his foggy thoughts obsolete.

"Let me take you out today." Jungkook says, eyebrows relaxing to the feeling of Jimin's lips kissing his fingers. He moves in a flash to pull the boy closer once again by a gentle grip on his chin. "Don't fight me."

"I'm not." Jimin whispers, licking his lips and huffing softly against Jungkook's. "Why do I feel like you already know where we're going? What if I would rather be lazy all day?"

Letting the smallest corner of a victory smile decorate his features, Jungkook shrugs. "Go get dressed."

Jimin widens his eyes, possibly with more drama than necessary for his amount of surprise. "Bossy, wow." But, his stomach fills with tiny butterflies at the gleam in Jungkook's eyes. He sits up in his bed, looking down at the man still cozying under the blankets as if he couldn't be in any less of a hurry. "You're not coming?"

"You go first." This time Jungkook lets his smile break loose unto his glossy lips. He grabs Jimin's hand and presses a chaste kiss to the back of it, holding it away from himself to signal for Jimin to get up. "Go, Mochi. I'll be right there."

Finding the situation odd, the older cocks his head to the side in confusion, but decides against asking any further questions. They don't have much of a chance of being answered, anyway. "Okay." Jimin answers softly, still feeling warmth from the others smile. Whatever reason Jungkook has for being so strangely persistent, it must be important. More important that school.

More important than anything else.


A/N: I'm finally back again, with a tiny update, but this is sort of a beginning for the next transition in this story. I hope you guys are ready 💕

Also, oof~ Today is my birthday, and I'm really excited about it because it's also the start of my little vacation and I can finally update! I'm so happy 😭

I managed to get a ticket for the LY tour you guys, and I- 😭 It's my birthday present to myself, aha.. I really really hope you guys can all get the tickets you choose, and be a part of the beautiful ARMY ocean 💕 I've never been able to attend one of their concerts, so this will be my first and I'm really emotional about ahh

Thank you all so much for being here and I love you so entirely, it's pure love! You are so precious to me 💕 Please be safe and well and always happy! Thank you, my loves!

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