Family support

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Thoughts play on shuffle mode in Taehyung's mind, every single one eventually morphing into a question. When did this happen to you? He wants to ask Jimin. Moving on isn't earned by remaining hung up on the past, recording dates to remember the horror that made you feel incomplete. Taehyung's words evaporate from his tongue, lips dry as his jaw hangs down slightly. Why did he do it? What was the reason? Just to hurt you? There aren't any answers for the kind of absence of humanity it must take for a person to strip another being of their sound of mind. Taehyung can't help the curl of his fingers, the cringe in his expression when he thinks about Jimin in that moment. He wants to be strong enough to hold on to Jimin's hand alone, but his thoughts crush him. How could he have treated the smaller so terribly when he'd already assumed this level of despair in the boy? He selfishly wanted to be the one to make a difference, to plant a seed of love and positivity, but now his knees shake with the thought of battling the sad look on Jimin's face. He can't do it by himself, and that chips away at what's left of his broken heart.

Jimin lets the terrified shake of Taehyung's hand on his back, the sinking expression the boy tries to cover up by setting his jaw, settle into his mind. Taehyung isn't at his best, he shouldn't be expected to open himself up to more than he can bare. The truth runs wild, around and around in circles, surrounding them in uncertainty. Jimin needs his blanket of unconditional love and he knows it, but he knows how guilty he will feel potentially asking for the conversation to end. "I'm s-sorry, Tae." Jimin trembles softly, stuttering on his words. How can he say this to his friends face without making him feel useless? "Can Jungkook be here? I need him. I need Jungkook." His own words set his heart into what feels like a race against panic, a panic that spreads slowly through his veins, so thick he can feel it. Jimin bites his bottom lip and his fingers claw at this jeans. He wasn't ready to feel this vulnerable again so soon. The attack of his thoughts pile on relentlessly, shooting off like angry bullets that leave cracks in his skull. Taehyung is my friend. Jungkook is still close. I can't be hurt again. No, I'm okay. Jimin works hard to control his heart beat, to silence his fears before they boil over in the repulsive way of more spilled tears.

Relief shoots straight into Taehyung's bloodstream. He rushes to his feet, bending down to take the smaller by his hand again. "Lets go back inside, okay?" He whispers quickly, eyes brimming with a combination of fear and sadness and the drawing of fresh tears. He feels like he's the one delivering betrayal now, unable to handle how uncomfortable Jimin's confession makes him feel. He's never had to face complete tragedy before, not in the form of a friend made to suffer alone. Taehyung has never felt so guilty and heart broken at the same time. It's killing him.

Jimin frowns up, because sometimes the younger wears his heart on his sleeve, too. Taehyung's heart displays itself in broken pieces, scattered at their feet. The feeling of guilt that Jimin can easily recognize, by relating much too well to of course, shows itself in Taehyung's pain. He grabs the others hand and stands up with him, feeling like their conversation is coming to an unfinished end. He just needs to be next to his unconditional source of love, thrive off of the strength he knows he'll feel by stepping back into Jungkook's presence. He really thought he'd be okay handling the act of coming clean. Jimin believed in himself a little too fast, so he needs to fall back a step back into his boyfriends supportive arms. "I'm really sorry." He repeats.

Taehyung hooks his arm around Jimin's shoulders when they both get to their feet. He expels hot air into the night before him, sighing heavily and firmly grasping onto Jimin's shoulder. "Stop saying you're sorry, Jiminie." He begins to lead them towards the back door of Hoseok's house. "I think we both need more support right now, that's all. I love you, but I don't know what to say." Taehyung speaks his mind as coherently as he can, being honest. His words sound as apologetic as he feels. They sound lacking on his own ears.

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