Let him stay

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Jungkook struggles through an endless cycle of falling in and out of sleep, but to open his eyes is a challenge he hasn't been able to conquer again. Each time he wakes, he listens for Jimin's voice, for a shuffle beside him, only reassured that Jimin is still there when he feels the pressure of his boyfriends hand in his. This time it's different. He can hear whispers, so many voices speaking in a hushed tone around him. Jimin's he identifies first and then his mothers, but they don't sound pleasant. Jungkook's heart drops.

He forgot about his parents. He forgot that they would come. Of course they would come.

"He's our son, not only your boyfriend." His father speaks now, Jungkook hears as the words he's been listening to finally begin making sense. He's angry, but that's no surprise. His father is always angry.

Jungkook's mother sighs. "I told you, we shouldn't have this discussion here."

"It's not a discussion at all. He's not going to stay the night, I don't care who he is. That's my son. I don't know who this kid is anyway."

"Don't be cruel. Jimin is upset, too." She criticizes her husband. "But, sweetie, we can't let you stay. Even if you're Jungkook's boyfriend, it was a lot to let you visit."

"But, I have to stay with him." Jimin protests. His eyes are in his lap.

"Even if I felt comfortable letting that happen, the hospital just won't let you. Not even if we told them it was okay."

Jungkook's father scoffs. "You have no place to even request such a thing. Why didn't we know about his relationship with you? Am I supposed to just trust that you're his boyfriend?"

"I am." Jimin keeps his head bowed to avoid making eye contact with the angry voice before him. "We're together, I promise."

"It's true." Jungkook's mother confirms. "Jungkook told me. It doesn't change anything right now anyway, so lets not argue. Jimin, you can't stay the night, but you can come back tomorrow."

Jungkook's fingers twitch and suddenly he feels angry. The pain in his side is coming back with heat. They can't take Jimin away from him just because they don't feel comfortable with him, because they don't know him. They don't understand how much that would make him suffer. He feels trapped inside his own head, barely managing now to pry his own eyes open. The room is dark as the sun must have gone down. Jungkook breaths audibly, flicking his gaze across the room until he finds Jimin still at his side.

"Mochi." Jungkook whispers and he watches Jimin's head rise to look at him. His expression is sad.

Jungkook's parents stand from their seats, coming to him and cool fingers caress his head. His mother is kind and nurturing with her actions, but his father only stays with a frown on his lips. "You're awake." She whispers and pets back his hair. "Jimin told us you'd woken while we were gone. How are you, honey?"

Jungkook ignores her question. "Let him stay."

Her expression changes into one of defeat, but she strokes his warm cheek. "He can't, it can't happen. I'm sorry. Tell me how you're feeling."

"I want him to stay."

"We can stay with you instead. He can come again tomorrow. You should be resting."

"No, let him stay."

His mother sighs and pulls her hand away, slightly annoyed from his persistence. "As only your boyfriend, the hospital won't allow it. Don't you both understand that?"

"I need him. To stay." Jungkook winces as he moves in the bed, feeling the air in his lungs leave his body as if he were punched in the stomach. "He's not my boyfriend, then." He finally wheezes when he finds his breath again. "He's my fiancé."

The mood grows quiet after his statement and Jimin can only look at Jungkook, his eyes widened and lips slightly parted in surprise. He squeezes Jungkook's hand and a small smile finds its way to his lips. Jimin feels embarrassed, but his heart is racing from the others words. His fiancé?

"Can he stay as my fiancé?"

"Do you have proof that he is just that?" Jungkook's father speaks again, but his tone isn't quite as angry as before.

"My ring." Jungkook says, wiggling one of his fingers. "Take it, Mochi. Wear it."

Jimin stays still for a moment, overwhelmed by the sudden nature of the conversation. He's unsure of what he should do with Jungkook's parents watching over them so expectantly, but finally does as he's told and gently slides the metal ring from Jungkook's index finger. He places it on his own and can't help the awkward smile that adorns his lips now. He grabs Jungkook's hand again.

"That works, right?" Jungkook mumbles. He takes a deep breath and smiles. "Mom, dad. Go home, Jimin will stay."

They don't speak at first, only stealing glances here and there at each other before Jungkook's mother nods. "I guess it works. You want us to go home?"

Jungkook clears his throat. "Thanks for coming."

Her expression turns gloomy for a moment, but she nods again and smiles sadly down at her son. "Okay, we'll go home. I'll tell the night nurses." She moves to leave the room, her husband looking back once as he follows her with a confused look knitting together his eyebrows.

The two remaining are quiet for a while, Jimin unsure if Jungkook has fallen asleep again as he watches his still expression. He chooses to talk anyway, not really knowing if the other can hear him anymore. "Did you really just call me your fiancé?"

"Mhm." Jungkook mumbles. "Shh, you are."

"Is the pain medication getting to your head?"

"I'm sleeping."

Jimin resists the urge to roll his eyes. Even with a bullet wound, Jungkook manages to drive him crazy. "Sure, baby. Sleep then."

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