Chapter 3

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Kath's pov

'Front, back, front, back, sliiiiide.' I thought to myself as I slowly made my way through the forest. I don't know how long I've been here, but it has to have been at least an hour. At least. It's probably been more than that, but I have almost zero sense of time unless I'm using my own form of measurement. Like: Oh, I've been cleaning for a total of three songs now!

And yes, I realize I'm pathetic. 


I continued to scoot my way through the forest, little tufts of grass and clumps of dirt popping up with each step. It's slow, and I'm glad the scales protect my precious feet from the twigs and thorns I encounter. I'm still trying to walk like a human, rolling from my heel to the front of my foot when I take a step. 

Apparently dragon bodies don't work like that, though. Every movement I make is awkward and doesn't seem to work. I feel like I'm using a PlayStation game with an Xbox controller. It just isn't working. These... scaled meat sticks aren't functioning the way my mind wishes them to! They work more like a dog's legs, which makes me wish I had one so I could have studied it.

Not that I would've know that I actually needed to study it in the first place.

"Making my way down town!" I sung (shouted) as loud as I could. "Struggling!" I took another step. "Walking slow!" Another step. "'Cause I've... uh, got extra legs!" Woo, another step! "BADA BADADADADA." God I am the best at singing horribly. It's one of my many talents, to be honest. I can also trip over air, amazingly. I think I may have even gotten better at it! I'm just that skilled. Oh, oh, and clearly I'm the best at coming up with horrible songs off the top of my head! 

"Step, step, step, step, step." I muttered in a slightly-frustrated tone, upgrading from snail speed to slightly-enraged grandma with a walker speed. It may not seem like much, but in my book I see it as a large accomplishment. Colossal actually, especially since I don't actually do much. Once I threw a grape in the air and caught it in my mouth, and someone clapped. That was pretty cool. 

Okay, yeah I need a life. Which I guess I sort of have one now that something super extraordinary has happened to me. I mean, I fell asleep and woke up in an entirely different world and in an entirely different body. Not many people can say that, or say that they got to be a dragon. I wish I had a camera to prove this... ugh they'd probably think it was made with a computer. This low-key sucks but I also don't want to be an experiment so.

"Ugh, the sun is setting already?" I sighed, shaking my large head. This threw off my balance immensely, and I toppled over like a domino someone had blown on. I sighed. This will forever be my life. It's like trying to crawl on all fours with noddles for legs. And with a really big body. I'd imagine this is what it'd be like to drive a tiny, tiny car all your life and then suddenly hop into a semi-truck and try to back out of a tight driveway.

I got to my feet and began to mosey along once more. Night was falling quickly, and I was beginning to get tired. Honestly I should've gotten tired ages ago. I'm pretty out of shape due to extensive fan fiction reading and anime watching. And lots of food eating. But it was totally worth it, because food is my only one true love. It always has my back.

Well, as much as food can actually have my back...


I continued to walk. I was worried it'd be way too dark to see, but as it would turn out I kept my vision. It was like having on night vision goggles, but without the green tint. Everything was just... dimly lit. It was pretty handy. If I couldn't navigate in broad daylight, I hate to think of what pitch darkness would've been like.

"Now, civilization can't be fa-" I stepped through a bush, and my face... er, snout came into contact with something cold and hard. I winced, stumbling back and falling onto my but. I rubbed my nose. That hurt, and I wasn't even going fast either.

I looked up, my eyes widening at the sight in front of me. If I were a human, I just know my face would've drained of all color. Because right there in front of me was a huge, huge wall. And I honestly, there was only one thing I could think of that it would be a part of.

"I've... made it to Konoha?"

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