Chapter Fifteen - part 2

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Liz bent her left hand into a fist. The gold band felt warm but unyielding against her skin, reminding her a little of William. His proposal had been more than she’d ever dreamed of, and she couldn’t imagine herself being happier, but in the matter of the engagement ring he would not budge. She smiled as she remembered his efforts to persuade her to accept the precious heirloom. She would never have chosen something like this herself. Not because she didn’t like the ring—it was beautiful—but because she’d spent so long being careful with money her natural reaction would have been to choose something cheaper.

The thought that Jane Bingley had given William the diamond ring—in the hope that one day in the future he might bestow it upon someone who held Elizabeth’s memories—left her with mixed feelings; pleasure that she had something so personal to remember her former sister, combined with a sense of dread that she might yet wake up to find this had all been some disturbing dream. She wasn’t sure she deserved such good fortune.

She looked around her bedroom. Her suitcase was back in the wardrobe and some of her things remained scattered on the dressing table. She’d expected to return to London today with her research complete, but nothing had turned out quite as she’d expected. Her departure this morning was of a temporary nature. If everything went to plan she would be back at Pemberley on Friday evening.

Liz grabbed her handbag and the car keys and headed down the hallway to the top of the stairs. She paused against the banister as, below in the hall, Mr. Reynolds eased a calf length coat over William’s broad shoulders. She still marvelled at the fact that such a glorious specimen of manhood actually wanted her above all others. “Are you going somewhere?”

William turned to watch her walk down the stairs. “I’m coming with you.”

The imposing butler brushed a speck of lint from his master’s shoulder and then cleared his throat.

“Yes, John?”

“May I take this opportunity to offer my congratulations to Miss Pargeter, sir?” Mr. Reynolds looked at Liz, an almost smile on his face. “The other members of staff and I were all very pleased to hear the news of your engagement, Miss. We hope you will be happy here.” He glanced at his master. “Will you be needing anything else, sir?”

“No, I think that’s everything. Is my bag in the car?”

“Yes, sir. Everything is ready, just as you instructed.” He dropped a set of keys in William’s hand.

William thanked him and turned his attention back to Liz as he pulled on a pair of leather driving gloves. “Are you ready?”

“I thought we agreed you’d come to fetch me, once I’d sorted out my job and given notice on my flat?”

He grabbed the lapels of her jacket and pulled her closer. “It wasn’t as easy to let you leave as I thought. Besides, I want to speak to Amanda and I’d rather do it soon.”   

Liz dreaded the thought of introducing William to her stepmother. “I’d rather you didn’t.”

“I know you’re over twenty-one but I cannot marry you without at least telling her of our plans. I’ll feel more comfortable once I have her blessing.”

“She won’t care, honestly. You’re not going to mention your…condition, are you?”

“You speak about my immortality like it’s some kind of embarrassing disease. Of course I won’t say anything to her. It has no bearing on the matter. However, if it makes you more comfortable we’ll work out tonight what we’re going to say then visit her tomorrow.”

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