Chapter Twenty-four - part 2

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The sheep eyed her with wary caution as she crossed the old burial ground to enter William’s sanctuary. Well, their sanctuary now, as she spent almost as much time there as he did.

William stood in front of his easel, the tip of the brush tracing the valley’s contours in greens and browns as he painted a scene from memory. Sensing her presence he turned towards the doorway, smiling when he saw her there.

“Paul’s gone now. He’ll email me the proofs so we can pick the ones we like best. I think you’ll be pleased with the results. He has a good eye for architectural details.”

He returned his attention to the picture, the brush poised over the paper. “Did your visitor have any more ideas for our home? He seemed to have our future all planned out, complete with the gift shop in the stables.”

She crossed the room, running a comforting hand across his shoulders. “He was only trying to help. He thinks you’re an impoverished, reclusive Lord of the Manor, not a philanthropic immortal millionaire. Anyway, the shoot’s finished and we’ve fulfilled our part of the bargain. They’ll leave us in peace now, as long as I keep sending in my column every month and turn up for the occasional meeting.”

He sighed, abandoning the painting as he pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her. “Perhaps I overreacted a little.”

“A little?”

The corner of his mouth quirked into a half-smile. “I’m not used to seeing you spending time with young, handsome men.”

“Well, he is younger than you, but then so is everyone. Was he handsome? I can’t say I noticed. In case it escaped your attention I am far too besotted with my amazing, talented husband. You’ve ruined me for any other man, you know. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me until my hair turns grey and my joints creak.”

He ran his finger along the crease of her elbow. “I’m going to adore your creaking joints. They’ll be endearing, like pet mice.”

Liz laughed. “You’re comparing my knees to rodents?”

“Pet rodents. Soft and cuddly.”

Her smile faded. “And you’ll be—”

William silenced her with a finger on her lips. “Utterly devoted and completely in love with my wife. That will never change.” He drew his hand back, replacing it with his lips as he kissed her. Overhead the sun emerged from behind a cloud, sending a shaft of sunlight through the glass roof, bathing them in its glow.

Liz drew back from their kiss. Resting her forehead against his chest she clutched his arm as the room began to spin. She closed her eyes. “Ugh. I’m feeling a bit dizzy. I think I need to sit down.”

“Nice to know I still have that effect on women after all these years.”

“Funny. No, really, I think it was the sudden heat. It must be unbearable in here during the summer. Like a sauna.”

“I can open the windows if it’s too warm.” He took a step back, frowning. “You are looking pale. Sit down and I’ll get you a drink.”

He escorted her to the new sofa he’d bought for the conservatory end of the studio, where she would often sit and read while he worked. As she swung her feet up onto the cushions he fetched a bottle of water from the fridge and poured some into a glass. “Here. Try this.”

Liz took a sip, hoping it would settle the strange queasiness that had come on all of a sudden. She tried to rest the glass on the arm of the sofa, but misjudged the distance. It slipped and hit the floor, scattering water and shards of glass across the old quarry tiles. “Oh, hell. Sorry. Let me get that.”

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