Why me? <Alexandra>

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After getting out of school because of what happend, my father drives home. I'm nervous knowing that my mom already knows about the problem with Max. This it's going to be horrible, why can good things happend to me, God? We got home and I saw my mother outside....... This is bad.

" Alexandra Dayanne White Santiago !!" - she said - " What were you thinking?"- She is so mad" 

"Jane, Please not here."- said my father 

"No Austin"


" Fine"

I went in with my mother on my back, I knew this wasn't good *why can't I go and live somewhere  else? *

" Jane ,we should let her speak."- my father said 

" Ok" -she answer

" Mom, This wasn't suppost to happend. He plan it all. I just went to his house to play games and nothing else. I Know I don't have an excuse but I'm really sorry mom"- I said crying and living to my room

" Jane, I think you are being a little to hard  on her." - said Austin

" Austin, she did what she did and there's no turning back."-  said Jane

" I know Jane, but I think we should try to help her and not judge her for what happend."- said Austin

" Are you sure?" - Jane ask

" Yes"

After letting my parents downstairs alone talking I went to my room I knew that what I did was wrong but it wasn't my choice that idiot of Max plan it  all. How could he? Did he had a reason to do what he did? Does where the question that I had in my head.

The night past quietly. I didn't want to talk with my parents about how it happend or why, I just wanted to be alone in my room.

" Alex,aren't you going to eat?"- my mother ask

"...................."- I didn't answer

" Alexandra?"- Ask my father

I didn't wanted to look at them my eyes were full of tears. I knew that if I look at them i was going to cry again and I didn't want to cry, not anymore.

" Alex?"- said my mother

"I'm fine"- I answer

" Then why aren't you eating?"

" I'm not hungry, can you forgive me if I miss dinner. Thank you."- I said gwetting up and leaving my palce in the table.

" This is not good" said my father when I was leaving 

" I know"- said my mother]




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