Battle for Prom

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whoop whoop! 2 chapters in one day thts gotta be a record!

E N J O Y !


It’s the morning of Prom and I have about a million things to do before hand. At 10:00 am, Laeta is doing me, Trista, and Vox’s hair and makeup. At 2:00 pm, we have pictures in the park and then the boys are taking us out to eat. At 7:00 pm we have the Grand March and finally, at 8:00 pm we have Prom.

I nearly die when I wake up to find Shane leaning over me, almost nose to nose with me. It’s not like I die of embarrassment cause of my bed head or pj's, more like I die of fright. He scares me that bad.

"HOLY JESUS OF NAZARETH, SHANE, YOU SCARED ME!" I scream, leaping out of bed, away from him.

"That’s the point, babe." Shane laughs. When I get my heart rate under control, and the dizzy spell goes away, I run around the bed and fling my arms around him.

"I thought you weren’t coming until two?" I mumble, burying my face in his chest and breathing in the scent of him.

"I couldn’t stay away." He answers, wrapping his arms tightly around me.

Im suddenly wide awake and I remember who I am, and what Ive done. I don’t deserve a boy like Shane. He’s so perfect, so loyal while Im... so not.

"Its bad luck for you to see me before Prom." I tease, discreetly pulling away from him.

"That’s weddings, silly girl." Shane chuckles, pulling me back into his arms. "We aren’t getting married yet, are we?"

"No," I laugh, pulling away again, "but I really gotta get going and I can’t afford to have you distracting me."

"Ouch! That stung!" Shane pretends to be hurt and I playfully punch his shoulder.

I throw on the first clothes I see which happen to be a pair of black sweat pants and a light pink t-shirt. I wave goodbye to Shane and run off to pick up the girls. Laeta just loves doing hair and makeup and stuff so she was thrilled when I asked if she would do ours for Prom.

Laeta has been one of my best friends for the longest time. She was born into a family of vampyre hunters, but she was extremely ill. In order to save her, her parents decided to give up hunting vampyres so the council would turn Laeta. Laeta is a mortal vampyre, like me – since she was changed so young – so she ages. Now, Laeta is 17 years old with two beautiful daughters – Raquel and Roza – and the coolest husband ever. She’s also very rich since her parents spoil her rotten.

When we get Laeta’s overly large home, she is waiting impatiently for us.

"You are SO late!" she cries, ushering us inside.

"Yeah, by one minute." I roll my eyes. Laeta gives me an annoyed look and hurls me into a chair. "Don’t go overboard with it ok? Remember, it’s a simple dress requiring very little hair and makeup attention."

Laeta glares at me, turns the chair so I can’t see my reflection in the mirror, and goes to work. I can feel her hands gently twisting and braiding my hair into place. She talks at about a million words a minute as she works, leaving no room for anyone else to speak. I glance at Trista and Vox to find them gaping at me.

"What?" I ask.

"It’s just... wow." Vox whispers.

"Is she going overboard?" I try to turn my head to see what Laeta is doing and she jerks my head back into position.

"Don’t move!" She orders.

Curious, I sit impatiently wondering what on earth Laeta is doing to my hair. I have absolutely no idea, and I REALLY want to know.

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