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hey peeps. srry its taken so long to post but i recently went 2 florida on a choir band trip (wich was really fun btw) and its taken me FOREVER 2 get caught up on homework. ive been doing some hardcore riting 2 get this chapter done!

E N J O Y !


Almost every evening, I have dance at Krystal's DanceAcademy. On Mondays, I have tap-production from 5:15-6:00pm. On Tuesdays, I help Krystal with little kids from 3:30-5:15pm and then I also have ballet tech from 7:30-8:45. And on top of that, I have Pointe class from 8:45-9:30, ALSO on Tuesdays. On Wednesdays, I have jazz and lyrical class from 5:30-7:15 and, to top it all off, on Thursdays I have my Pointe solo from 7:30-8:00. Yeah, I’m a busy girl.

Krystal and Carmen are my two main dance teachers, but Carmen is my favorite. She does Pointe and lyrical and she’s also teaching me my Pointe solo. I’ve been dancing at KDA for 12 years now and, even though Carmen has only been my teacher for 6 of those years, I’ve really bonded with her. She just gets me like no one else.

When I dance, I don’t feel so insignificant. I don’t feel small, or weak, or useless. When I dance, I feel important. I feel tall, and strong, and graceful. The music simply flows through me and takes control. I let the music lead me through a series of leaps, kicks, and turns that tell a story.

Carmen always tells me that I’m a natural. I don’t feel that good. Chelly is WAY better that me at Pointe, Alex can do leaps, spins, and tumbles better than I can, and Kate is ridiculously good at tap. I suppose what Carmen means is that, while I’m not super good at any style of dance in particular, I am very good at all styles of dance.

Today, I am just hanging out at the dance studio, for fun, doing bar stretches. I rest my leg on the bar and stretch my front attitude first, then side, and lastly back. I then repeat the procedure with my other leg. I’m in the middle of doing the splits on the floor when Jason walks in, looking even more freaked out then the last time I saw him.

"What's up?" I ask him, laying on my stomach in middle splits.

"First of all, it’s really weird for me to see you doing that." Jason says, looking at me oddly. I shrug, it doesnt bother me. "Second, I really need to talk to you."

"'Bout what?" I ask, pushing out of the splits.

"About us. About what’s wrong with me. About why I can’t get you out of my head." Jason says, pacing back and forth. I sit cross legged on the floor, patiently waiting for him to chill. Finally, he does and collapses on the floor next to me. I remain silent for a moment.

"I talked to my mentor," I begin softly, "and he said that the only reason that you can feel my presence, dream my dreams, and not stop thinking about me is because we're bonded."

"What does that mean?"

"The bonding is very old and very powerful magik. It happens when a human knowingly offers their blood to a vampyre." I tell him, "That’s about all anyone knows though cause it hasn’t been used in thousands of years."

Jason sits silently next to me for a long time before finally getting up. He walks out the door without saying anything and without a second glance.

JMAN: this bond has helped me fall in love w/u, but i can tell u dnt return the feeling.

Lynx:ur rite im srry

JMAN: @ least ur honest

I don’t text back. I remain seated in the middle of the floor. I refuse to let myself cry, for the foreign, broken feeling inside of me.

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