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LAST CHAPTER!! whoop whoop! now, i should probably remind u now tht if u have voted on other chapters, tht doesnt mean the votes carry through the whole book so make sure u have voted on ALL the chapters :) thanx!

E N J O Y ! (the last chapter!)


The person, dragging me away, leads me to a dark room and sits me in a chair where I continue to weep miserably. A box is shoved into my hands and I am startled to find tissues. I wipe my nose and dry my eyes before looking at my captor. When I look up, the person is standing in the shadows, so I can’t see their face, but I know exactly who it is anyways.

"Jason?" I hiccup.

Jason sighs and steps out of the shadows. There are dark circles under his eyes that I failed to notice earlier. He looks pale and sickly. There is something wrong with him. He seems to be in pain.

"Are you ok?" Jason shakes his head.

As he moves, I see a glint of silver in his hand. Using my lightning quick reflexes, I pounce and pin Jason to the wall, snatching the knife away. Or, that’s what I meant to do anyway.

Jason moves impossibly fast, not very far, but just out of my reach. One second, he’s right there. And the next, gone.

"What the fuck?!" I snarl, blinking at Jason. "What are you?"

Jason shakes his head and doesnt answer. Instead, he leaps, with incredible speed, and pins me to the wall. In my weakened state, there isn’t much I can do to battle him off. He presses the blade against my neck, snarling in a very inhuman way.

"So weak." he growls in my ear, "So pathetic. I thought you were supposed to be more powerful than a human."

"But you’re not human, are you?" I hiss and the blade presses more firmly into my throat.

"No," Jason finally admits, "Im not."

"So what are you?"

"I’m only half human. The other half is one fourth demon and one fourth vampyre." Jason’s cruel voice disappears as he takes the knife away from my neck and turns away from me.

"Why didnt you tell me?"

"I couldn’t, ok?" Jason is getting frustrated. He paces back and forth. "It’s a long story."

"I have time." I sit down in a chair. Jason sits across from me, but doesnt speak. "Maybe it would be easiest to start at the beginning?"

"Remember that group I was with when we first met?" Jason starts and I nod. "I’ve been with them my whole life. My mother is the leader, she controls them. That man who was controlling the supernatural creatures, he’s just a pawn in my mother’s game. She gave him the power that makes him think he’s so high and mighty, and she can take it away just as easily.

"I grew up with those men. They trained me to capture and kill supernatural beings, never knowing that I was supernatural myself. They trained me to never have feelings for something that isn’t human, so I hated everything supernatural, including myself. Until I met you.

"When they captured you, I knew right away that you were different. I wanted to set you free and leave you alone, but my mother had other plans for you. She wanted me to set you free, gain your trust, and then kill you when the time was right. So I followed her orders. For the most part.

"That night in the bar, when I let you drink my blood, that was my own decision. Part of me knew that it would create a bond that would help me get close to you, but the other part just wanted to be with you.

My Blood to ShedWhere stories live. Discover now