The Move (Cameron Dallas Fanfic)

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(A/N) Hi guys this is my very first fan fiction *screams while pulling hair out* I hope you like it!

Annabelle's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Today was the last day of school. Me and my friends refer to it as D-Day because today, while everyone else was saying their goodbyes for the summer, I was saying my goodbyes forever. Okay, forever is a bit over the top but I was moving away from all the amazing friends I made here in England. Don't get me wrong, I am so stoked to move back to California but it doesn't make the situation an easier.

It was 7:30 am so I decided to get up. I put on my uniform, shook out my hair and put my makeup on. I skipped on the mascara keeping in mind how today might and probably will go.

As I looked around my room I remembered all the memories I had in this room. I remembered all the secrets told and sleepovers had and it just brought tears to my eyes. I was gonna miss my friends; my girls.

I dried my eyes and gathered my things. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab a muffin which I ate while waiting for my mom to drop me off at school.

When I got into school I went to the year 9 wing (that's what year I'm in). As soon as I saw my friends I bursted into tears. I couldn't help it!

"OMG Bella don't cry!" Cassie said.

"I can't help it, I'm gonna miss you guys so much."

After and awkward silence...

"We got you something! It's from all of us." Jessica said.

"You really shouldn't have, I love you guys!"

About 4 months ago when I first told them I was moving back to America they made a plan that they would buy me a white onesie and white daps so everyone could sign them. That's exactly what they got me along with some red vans which I've been wanting for like FORVER!

*end of the school day*

After I said all my final goodbyes to the people I wouldn't be seeing before I left for California, I met my mom in the car and she took me home. When I got into my room I took off my uniform, put on my onesie and thought about all the good times I had as I fell into a peaceful sleep.

~Hola guys! Sorry this chapter was a drag. I'll try and fit Cam into the next one!

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