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I spent most of the after noon in my room watching movies and listening to music thinking over the conversations we had with my mother this morning. Everything was so quick that I never got a chance to ask about Zack. I did call him but there was no answer he was most likely sleeping he gets very tired and worn out when he is going through treatment.

At about one o'clock I was called for lunch. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen and sat at the table with everyone else. It was tea and sandwiches. Nice and simple. It was quiet at first until Sheila requested the attention of Drew and I.
Well Drew as you know your father and I were planning on visiting your gran and grandad today. We'll bring Mason with us and go out to dinner afterwards, you can still come but we are going to take Luke as well. Marissa you are very welcome to join us as well."
"Thank you very much for the offer but I think I'll stay her and get some homework done and watch some movies." I reply with a great full smile. Which she returns.
"How about you Drew will you join us or stay here?"
"Well I had planned on meeting the lads for coffee today so I might stay here. But tell granny and granddad I said hi."
"Will do. But don't leave Marissa here on her own too long or bring her with you if you think you'll be late."
"Of course." He says and turns to smile at me.

We finish lunch and they took off on their day trip leaving me and Drew behind. We just went back to our rooms. I started some homework while I listened to some music on my iPod. I had only one earphone in so I heard when Drew knocked on my door. He opened it and popped his head in,
"Hey Maz I'm off to meet the lads now wanna come? We could be out for a while."
"No thanks I have a lot of homework to do but thanks anyways. Enjoy yourself." I replied smiling at him. He returned my smile nodded and left closing my door behind him. I put in my other earphone and got back to my homework.

Drew's POV

I left Maz's room, went downstairs and grabbed my keys in the hall before leaving and hoping into my car. I was meeting the guys at Starbucks for coffee and something quick to eat. I wasn't long after lunch so I wouldn't be getting food maybe just a bit of cake or something. It only take me 10 minutes to drive to Starbucks and buy the time I get there the guys have already arrived. I made my way over to the others and we went inside. I got a white chocolate mocha and a chocolate muffin. I was the first to order and the first to receive so I got us a table and sat down. I drifted off into my own world while I waited. The next to sit was Jason.
"So you coming back to mine after this?" Jason asked bringing me back to the real world.
"Of course. But not for long Maz is at the house in her own so don't want to completely abandon her."
"Dude you do know you could have asked her to come. I'm sure Jay wouldn't have minded her coming over." Damien says as he also joins us.
Brendan is meeting us at Jays as he had to mind his little sister.
"Of course I don't mind her coming over. Plus we'd like to get the know the girl that's captured attention of our fair Drew." Jay says smirking as he winks.
"Yeah so what's going on between the two of you? You dating? Or have you even kissed her yet?" Damien asked with his mouth full of a toasted ham, cheese and tomato.
"Dude please swallow your food before you talk. And no we aren't dating and no I have not kissed her. Look I like her. A lot actually, which surprises me as I don't actually know her all that well but I feel like I've known her for years. Actually that's a funny story that I've forgotten to tell you. We actually knew each other as kids before me and my family moved."
"No way man. How'd you figure that out." Jay asks taking a sip of his coffee.
"Well she was showing me her favourite picture of when she was a kid and it was a picture of her and her friend he was the son of her parents friends and it was me in the picture. But that kind of made me like her more. I mean she's just so genuine and honest and down to earth. I have so much fun just watching a movie with her. And she's so cute and adorable. And wow but she's beautiful but I don't even think she knows it."
"Woo-hoo-hoo think our little Drew is in love." Jay starts mocking as he grins at me.
"Shut up man. I'm not in love. Not yet anyway."
"Okay Brendan just messaged. He's nearly ready he'll be on his way to Jay's in about 10 so we better head." Damien says looking at his phone and replying to the message.
It's now 6 I'll go to Jay's for an hour or two then head back home. Think the others are going to dinner at 8 so I'll be home before they are and I might watch a movie with Maz.

        Marissa's POV

It's now half past 5 and I'm just finished my homework. I'm on my own so I go down to the sitting room and pick out a movie. I decide to go with "The Lion King". It's short and has some of the best Disney songs to sing to.

"Hakuna matata, what a wonderful phrase. Hakuna matata ain't no passing craze. It means no worries for the rest of your days. It's our problem free philosophy. Hakuna matata." I sing along to the best song of the movie to which I know all the words and proud of it. Just as the song ends my phone goes off. It's a text from Sheila saying that they won't be back tonight that they will be staying in her parents house for the night. I respond thanking her for letting me know that I will see her tomorrow.

When the movie is over I decide to plug my iPod into the doc and listen to some music it's now just after seven. I go downstairs and make myself a cup of tea and a sandwich and return to my room to eat. When I finish I bring my cup and plate back to the kitchen and back to my room to dance.

It's now 7:45 and I have been dancing around my room for the last near half hour. The current song is "Young And Menace" by Fall Out Boy. I just put on a random playlist it has slow and fast dancing songs. I know I look ridiculous especially to the slow ones dancing on my own but it's just me in the house so I couldn't care less.

The next song to come on is a slowish one. It's "Someone New" buy Hozier. I start swaying and slowly moving about my room. I love listening to music really loud so it's great having the house to myself. That way I'm not disturbing anyone. I also love to sing along to my music so it really helps when there's no one here.
"So I fall in love just a little o, little bit everyday with someone new" I sing aloud with my eyes closed as I dance around pretending to have a professional dance partner on one of those fancy TV shows. When suddenly arms wrap around my waist. I jump a little with surprise and open my eyes to find Drew there smiling at me. He grabs my hand and twirls me, before pulling me back to himself and putting his arms around my waist and starts moving us to the music. When it gets the chorus again we both start singing.
"So I fall in love just a little oh, little bit every day with someone new."
We are singing and laughing and it feels perfect. I've had a crush on Drew since started in the school a few years ago. So this was like a dream come true. Even over the last few days I've grown close to him I've really come to like him. A lot more then I thought I would.

We sing right up to the end of the song laughing and dancing.
"Just a little bit every day with someone new..." Drew is looking directly into my eyes as we sing. And once the song has ended Drew surprises me again. He leans in a connects his lips with mine with a gentle kiss. It only lasts a few seconds, but it was a few seconds in heaven. But I had to come back to reality when Drew pulled away. He looked at me I think he was a bit lost for words, as was I. So it fell silent only this wasn't a comfortable silence like it usually is it was so very awkward. And I could tell Drew felt it too. He turned and left my room without a word and I didn't see him for the rest of the night.

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