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10 am came too soon.

JC got up from his place on the couch, his eyes burning from a sleepless, miserable night.

"I'll see you tonight, Kat," JC called as he grabbed his leather jacket and cellphone.

"Do I get a kiss?" Katrina asked sweetly. She had slept off her drunken state and now she shined like an angel as she approached JC.

JC smiled at her and wrapped his arms around her small shoulders, sticking his face into her glossy brown hair.

"You smell good," he murmured quietly.

"I try," she replied as she pulled his face into her hands and kissed him. "But it's a whole other thing to look good like you." she winked and then squeezed him tight. "Have fun today, babe."

JC smiled again then went out.

Rick and the boys were already waiting at the sidewalk in the suburban. JC prepared himself for the questions and teasing he knew he was going to get.

"Morning JC," Justin sleepily spoke to him as he took a seat. JC nodded at him.

"Sleep well?" Rick asked as he pulled away from the curb.

JC smiled miserably. "Uh--yeah. Pretty good." he fibbed.

Joey, always lively, spoke up. "You sure? Katrina didn't keep you awake?" he leaned a little closer and whispered something in JC's ear.

"Hey man, cut it out!" JC said and Joey began to laugh.

JC looked around and saw that Chris was sleeping with his head against the window. Lance was staring sleepily at nothing.

Rick pulled onto a street that led to a large studio. "Guess what's happening today?" he asked the boys.

Chris awoke suddenly.  "We all know," he said grumpily. "Stupid dance rehearsals."

Rick laughed softly. Then he pulled to a stop and let the boys out. "Go kill it," he coaxed them.

JC was the last out. He groggily dragged his feet along, his eyes watering from tiredness. He loved dancing so much, but today it sounded like pure torture.

"I love it when you boys show up looking fresh and wide awake," a voice said to the four other boys who were suddenly very lively.

JC cringed. It was their manager Lou.  He was here to help them prepare for their next tour which was two months away. He would work with other managers too, as they all worked together to make this tour the boys' best one yet.

"JC, nice to see you looking alive and healthy." Lou said loudly as JC approached the door. JC only nodded and went inside. But just then, Lou  grabbed his arm.

"Don't ignore me, JC." he hissed. "I don't do well when I get ignored."

"Let me go," JC said, pulling his arm away. He gave a stubborn look to Lou then went to join the other boys.

"YES!" Justin was cheering. But then JC noticed he was being sarcastic. "We have 8 new songs we have to learn choreography for!" he screeched.

"All praise be to God," Joey added playfully, raising his hands to the ceiling.

"Hallelujah," the other boys sang in weird voices.

JC sighed. Normally he would join in on their retarded little rantings but not now. Not when he was this exhausted. Not when Lou was staring at him every second. He could feel it even though he had his back to Lou.

"Alright, someone tell me what we're here for today!" one of their dance choreographers emerged from a side room. She clapped her hands and jumped lightly on her feet.

"DANCE!!" they all shouted at once except JC.

"Ok, let's knock 'em dead!"

Two hours later Lou called for a break.

"Your stage manager has arrived and we're going to go over your stage setup. You guys can put in your ideas."
Lou ushered them all to a side room where there were several couches. The boys all had a seat as their managers sat with them.

After about twenty minutes of planning, JC stood when he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He walked a few feet away to answer it.


"Hey JC." Katrina's voice sounded sweet. "I just wanted to tell you I won't be home tonight. Alexa and Jasmine want to go over to Paris for the night."

"What?!" JC exclaimed. "Paris?!  That's too far away."

"Just a little flight," Katrina said. "We'll be back tomorrow night."

JC looked at the ground. "Um, ok then. Be careful."

"Love you, sexy." Kat said then hung up before he could answer.

When JC turned around he was shocked to see Lou standing mere feet away from him.

"Important phone call?" he inquired.

JC looked down at his phone.  "Uh, yeah."

"I'd like to know what's so important that you leave the boys' meeting." Lou pushed.

"God, why are you being a prick?" JC said before he could stop himself. But at the moment he didn't really care that he said it.

Lou's face reddened. He grabbed JC's arm and jerked him out of sight of the others. He slammed JC against a wall.

"I have done so much for you," he said in a mean, cool tone. He jabbed a finger to JC's chest. "Stop acting like a prick yourself. I'm just trying to help you!"

Lies. All lies.

JC pushed Lou away from him. He was surprised at his own strength sometimes.

"I don't owe anything to you," JC shot back in a voice just as mean. "You work for ME." now he poked at Lou's fleshy chest. "Stay away from me. And if you ever show up to my girlfriend's condo at 3 in the morning again,  I'll--"

"You'll what?" Lou tested.

JC thought for a moment, his breath coming out heavily. "I'll have you fired. There's better managers out there."

Lou let out a sick laugh. "Keep talking JC.  You aren't going to convince the other boys and the rest of your management to fire me."

"I totally can, man." JC blurted. "I totally can."

"But you won't," Lou said,  looking deep into JC's eyes. "If you know what's good for you, you won't." he snapped the 't' sharply. 

"Hey we need JC out here!" one of the boys called. "Where is he?"

Lou gave JC one last stern look.  "Uh, I think he's in the bathroom," Lou called as he pushed JC into the men's room. "When you come back, you better cooperate and act like I'm your best friend, you understand?"

When Lou left, JC slid down to the floor, utterly exhausted and plainly flustered. That bully Lou.

He could secretly do anything he wanted to the boys because he held the money.

Behind His Smile---JC Chasez FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now