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The only sounds in the room were the gentle humming of some medical machine somewhere,  the  occasional beep of the breathing monitor,  and the soft, steady breathing coming through JC's parted lips. 

Joey had left a few hours ago at 10,  promising JC he'd be back at 9 in the morning to pick him up and take him home to recover.  The doctors had given him the permission,  saying JC was well enough to leave the hospital. Joey had barely been gone ten minutes before JC was sound asleep.

His left handed rested on the side table where an untouched tray of food sat.  The tomato soup was cold now,  and the mashed potatoes looked watery.  Not even the soggy fruit salad  could convince JC to eat. Such it had been for two days.  Normally JC concealed the evidence that he wasn't consuming the nasty,  unappealing hospital food, but tonight he hadn't even thought about it before drifting off to sleep. 

In his dreams,  JC's world was in chaos.  Much like in real life. JC tossed about restlessly,  trying to make the dreams go away.  But they had a strong hold on his mind.  For a few hours,  he uneasily moved about. 

At four in the morning,  the creak of a door pulled him from his agony.  JC forced his eyes open,  gasping for air.  His eyes darted about in the dark,  his uneasiness intensifying. 

"Hello?" he ventured hoarsely.  His right hand scrounged about trying to find the call button at his side that would call the nurses in.  His fingers met nothing but sheets.

"Uh,  who's there?" he inquired,  panic in his voice.  He didn't dare move his gaze from the door,  even tho he could barely see anything in the dark. 

Damn,  where was the button??

JC's breathing was far from normal now.  Maybe the breathing machine would alert nurses soon.   Or maybe he was just imagining this all. 

But no.  He wasn't.  Another creak of the floor and a scuffling sound as whatever it was came closer.  JC clutched the sheets in his right hand as he reached to the table and picked up the metal fork from his plate. He still had no visual. 

"Who's in here?" JC tried to say it in a brave voice,  but instead his voice broke in fear. He couldn't breathe normally.  Sweat was running down his hair to his neck. 

"Joey? Is it you?"

No sound. 

"Man,  don't mess around,  you're scaring me." JC tried again to find the call button,  but in vain.  He cursed under his breath. 

Trying to find some courage from somewhere,  JC slowly drew the thin hospital blankets back and slid first one leg then the other from its shelter.   His bare feet touched the cold tile floor and he winced. 

His eyes were slowly, slowly adjusting to the darkness and finally he caught something in his gaze.  A silhouette of a man standing at the end of his bed.  JC shuttered,  jamming his legs back under the covers.  The hand holding the fork raised above his head.

"Who are you?" he croaked, distress dripping all over his voice.  "Please tell me."

The figure moved a little more and then JC drew in a sharp breath as he panicked and threw the fork down.  He used both hands to search through his sheets for the call button. At he same time he started to scream. 


He had gotten disconnected from the breathing machine in his struggle and now the nurses could not find out  their patient in room 103 was in trouble. 

JC ripped his bed apart,  breathing frantically.  "I need someone to help me!" he called,  choking on his own fear.  His voice died out. 

The figure moved closer,  trapping JC on the bed. 

"Oh God no," JC cried out.  "Joey! Somebody! Help me!"

Each cry came out like a quiet screech and JC knew no one would hear.  He collapsed against the mattress,  no strength left to fight. 

The shadowy man pinned JC on his back and began to loosen the waist of his flannel pants.  JC pushed as hard as he could against the strong hands,  but accomplished nothing. 

"Please don't," he pleaded in a tear-filled voice.  "I'll do anything you want,  please don't hurt me."

The man paid no mind, sliding JC's pants down with one hand.  JC crumpled in defeat tears sliding down his cheeks,  a fever burning through his head.

"I'm begging you please." JC whispered imploringly.  "Please don't touch me."

So I'm like majorly stressed out right now because of this chapter.  It has me crying.  Why do I write this?? Lol I need sleep,  that's why,  but my brain comes alive at night.

What are you feeling right now? Do you feel so bad for ill, helpless JC? I do.  I wish I could just protect him even im the one making it happen.

Anyway,  I hope this chapter isn't too graphic.  If so,  my apologies.  Like I always say,  if it bothers you,  tell me,  I'll try and fix it. 
And AS ALWAYS,  thanks for reading!! I love you ❤

Behind His Smile---JC Chasez FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now