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That's the only word that came to JC's mind as he watched Lou Pearlman with disdain. The boys' manager was twisting his overweight body around in exaggerated movements as he tried to demonstrate to the boys the 'correct' dance moves. JC felt like puking. What did this fatty know about dancing?

"You're doing it wrong," JC said, glaring at Lou. "We take that step every third beat, and do the split on the 'four and--'..." His chiseled body was attractive as he showed the moves. "We know what to do, Lou."

Lou was glaring back at JC. JC wet his lips and turned to watch himself in the mirror-covered wall of the studio. He made a few more moves as a song they had recorded played in the background.  He was very aware Lou was staring at him.  Justin poked JC in the side.

"Dude, what's got Lou up your ass all the time? He's been staring at you nonstop since we've been here." Justin whispered quietly.

JC took a breath in as he made a complicated move. Then he turned to Justin. "I honestly don't know, man. Maybe he's jealous I can dance better than him."

Justin let out a quiet laugh. "Maybe so. It's getting creepy though, man. He's our manager, not our grandfather. He shouldn't be so---"

"What's the reason for this conversation?" Lou's gruff voice made both boys jump in surprise. Justin and JC stared at him, their eyes glued on nothing but his stony face.

Lou glared at them with his lips pursed firmly, then he pointed at Justin. "I sent Chris and Joey for pizza and Lance is going to get drinks. You go with Lance, Justin." then he pointed at JC. "I'll see you in my office immediately."


"You sure you don't want dropped at your girlfriend's condo?" Rick asked JC for the tenth time.

It was nearly midnight. It had been a full, exhausting day at the studio. Each one of the boys was silent on their ride back to the hotel. Rick slowed a little before the street to Katrina's condo.


No answer.

"Rick's talking to you, man," Chris said, nudging JC with his elbow.

JC jerked as he came back to Earth. "Sorry, I spaced out. Kat's not home tonight, Rick. I'll just go to the hotel with the rest of the guys."

"Whatever you wish," Rick said, driving on. JC leaned his head against the window again, his eyes staring out at the streets.

Justin observed him silently. It seemed like something was up. Sure, all the guys were plainly tired and exhausted from the day's activites, but JC seemed a different kind of quiet. A worrying kind of quiet. Maybe he could ask him about it once they got to the hotel.

No such luck.

As soon as the boys got out of the elevator, JC and Joey and Lance all made their way to room 104. Justin and Chris went to room 106, which was connected to the other boys' through the bathroom.

Maybe tomorrow, Justin thought. He snapped the door shut quietly.

In his room, JC immediately used the restroom then fell onto his bed, utterly tired. He hadn't slept since two nights ago. It was painful how tired he was. But his eyes didn't want to close.

JC watched as Joey and Lance joked around with each other before getting into their own beds.

"Night JC, night Lance." Joey said as he pulled the chain for the lamp. "See you bright and early in the morning."

Lance groaned as he pulled a pillow over his face. "I don't wanna get up at 7," he complained.

JC yawned.

He turned away from them and tried to make himself comfortable.

Hours passed. One, two, four.

It was now 4 in the morning. JC woke suddenly, shivers all over his body. He sat up and glanced around the dark room. Joey and Lance were both snoring softly, their bodies mere little humps on the beds. The door was still closed, everything was okay.

JC looked at the time on his phone.


Did time really pass that slowly? Well, points for him at least he got more than 3 hours of sleep finally.

They had to be up in three more hours. JC rolled over again, to see if he could sleep a little more. But once again, his brain would not shut up. His troubled thoughts would not leave him alone. As he lay there in the silence, he felt the blood pounding in his ears.

Two and a half hours passed.  JC tossed and turned endlessly.  Never in his 22 years had he ever been this miserable. He could literally feel this sleeplessness making him sick. That was not a good sign. His head ached, his eyes were bloodshot, his muscles were in pain...

"Every little thing I do never seems enough for you..."

Joey's alarm clock sounded at precisely 7am. Both Lance and Joey groaned and tossed about then finally got up. Lance tossed a pillow at JC.

"Time to get up, sleepyhead," he said. JC ignored him. He stared at the satin curtains at the window, filtering the morning sun's rays. His stomach was nauseous, if he didn't get up...

JC jumped from his bed and pushed Joey out of the way, who was just making his way to the restroom.

"What the---" Joey started to say. He glanced at Lance as JC slammed the door shut. "What's wrong with him?" he inquired. Lance shrugged as he pulled his t-shirt off and got dressed.

"Something he ate last night probably," Lance concluded. Joey agreed.

After a few minutes JC came back out and looked pale in the face. He ignored the boys' stares as he went to the closet to pull some clothes out.

When Lance went into the restroom, Joey went over to JC as JC styled his hair.

"Buddy, I'm just wondering---is something wrong?"

JC was silent for a few moments. Then he looked at Joey. He put on a fake smile. "I don't think so, why would you ask?"

Joey bit his lip. "Uh, I don't know. Me and Justin were talking---you've seemed pretty upset lately. Or quiet. We just wondered."

"Just tired," JC said, slapping his comb down a little too hard on the dresser. He checked his reflection one last time, then drew in a deep breath as he looked at his friend.

"Ready for more rehearsing?" he asked. Joey didn't answer.

JC went to pour himself some vanilla chai tea. Ok, Joey was a good friend. One of the most loyal JC had ever had.  But there were some things he just couldn't know. I mean, JC could tell him who he had a hopeless crush on, or something like that, or he could tell him about a gift he had gotten for one of the others and trust Joey not to say a word, but there were some secrets JC could never tell.

Not even to his own band mates.

Behind His Smile---JC Chasez FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now