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It was now one week until NSYNC's tour. Things were busier now than ever before. It wasn't uncommon for the guys to end every day feeling purely exhausted. Running from here to there, getting fittings, rehearsing, and of course dancing every free minute they had. This tour was going to be the best ever. Maybe the five hours of sleep every night would prove to be worth it.

Joey Fatone smoothed down his unruly brown hair after he got out of his bunk with a little bit of a struggle. He didn't want to admit it, but as the weeks passed, it seemed as tho getting out from his bunk on the tour bus was becoming more and more difficult. Lance in his blunt way would say it was because he was eating far too many fattening things. But Joey would probably just blow his comment off even tho he knew it was true. 

It was about 9 in the morning, and it was a Sunday.  Hopefully it would be a restful day before they traveled all the way to Tennessee in less than 24 hours. Joey lazily poured himself a cup of coffee and wiggled down comfortably onto the couch beside Justin who was sleepily staring at a Luney Tunes episode they'd watched about 15 times. 

"You ready for our big drive tomorrow?" Joey asked his friend.  Justin rolled his head to the side and closed his eyes.

"Nah.  I wish we were already there."

Joey nodded and sipped his coffee.  "Me too. I'm so tired of all this preparation and traveling. Wish we could just start already."

"Mhmm," Justin replied, barely above a whisper.  The two boys' conversation was interrupted as JC emerged from the sleeping area, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.  Joey examined him. He seemed even thinner than before, which was kind of dangerous, as he was already the skinniest of the band.  The bags under his eyes were a faint grey color, and his cheeks were always glowing a crimson red.  His whole demeanor just seemed weary and exhausted, but other than that, he seemed almost back to normal.

According to the hospital a week ago, JC was finally well enough to be out with the rest of the band, although his clutch of overly-protective nurses had urged him to "take it easy". JC had scoffed to himself.  Take it easy, yeah right.  There's no chance that was happening.  He was determined this was going to be his best tour yet, giving his all.  If only he could get rid of all the nuisances in his life....like Lou Pearlman.

JC yawned a bit and searched through the cupboards for something to eat.  

"Didn't Lou tell you he's taking us to Cracker Barrel for breakfast today?" Joey asked, still unaware how much of a pain that particular person had become to JC's life. JC hid his face behind a box of granola bars as he replied.

"Yeah, but I'm not hungry enough.  I'll just stay here and sleep."

Joey nodded, pretending to understand.  "I know you're probably exhausted from being in the hospital, but we need publicity man.  The fans are getting restless.  This will be good for us. We'll all be out together in public, and the people can stop making up rumors about why one of us is always missing."

"Let them talk," JC said. "I told Lou I'm not going, and that's my decision."  He looked over at Joey, hoping he would understand. "I would like to be out with everyone again, I'm just not ready."

Joey sighed.  "Whatever you say man.  I just wish things could get back to normal. I'm tired of all this drama, and you being sick and the stupid paparazzi making up stuff.  I just want to be a normal band again."

JC lowered to a seat by the table. He thoughtfully unwrapped his almond granola bar.  "I wish that too," he replied quietly.  "When we get to Tennessee I promise I'll try and do better."

"It's not your fault dude. You can't help it that you're sick." Joey grabbed an empty cereal box off the table and made a face when he realized there was nothing in it.

"Sometimes I just wish everything would start over," JC said.  "That everything could happen differently, and that I could just begin fresh."

Joey's eyebrows furrowed.  Where did that come from? He was about to ask his friend, when the door of the bus swung open and an unwelcome guest stepped inside.

"You boys ready?" Lou Pearlman asked, smiling very wide and being too loud. "I've set up an interview at Cracker Barrel, and we need to be there asap.  Let's go!" 

Joey and Justin both were suddenly very awake, and they hurried to get dressed.  

"Wake up the other boys," Lou called as the two disappeared into the back.  Then he turned to JC, who was studying his granola bar very hard.

"You know I'm requiring you to be there, right?" he said in a cold tone. "No more of you hiding out and being afraid of everything like a big baby."

JC had a little difficulty swallowing the dry granola.  His throat had become tight all of a sudden. "I-I'm sorry Lou, but I don't think I can."

"You what?" Lou barked.  He stepped a little closer. "You what?"

JC scratched at his cheek, clearly getting tense.  "I really don't feel like it's something I should be doing when I just left the hospital.  They'll ask all their stupid questions, and I won't know what to say, because I'll have to lie."

Lou seemed to be even closer all of a sudden.  JC shrunk away a little. "And why would you have to lie, JC?" he pressed.

"You really want me to tell them?" JC was getting upset.  "You want everyone in the world to know what a creep you are, because maybe you're right.  Maybe they should know, and then everyone will hate you and--"

"I'd watch my mouth if I were you," Lou replied very quietly.  His pudgy face was growing redder by the second. He grabbed JC's arm and held on tightly. "I'd be very careful, because this tour is one of your most important, and we don't need any unwanted attention."

JC jerked his arm away, breathing rapidly.  "You should of thought about that before you ever touched me that night in my girlfriend's condo.  You should've--"

"Wait, what?" Joey had appeared without their noticing, and he was dressed and ready to go.  He even had his hair combed.  He stood staring at his bandmate and manager. He fidgeted with a tie he was holding.  "What happened in your condo, JC?"

JC threw his gaze to the floor immediately, wanting to kick himself. He took another bite of the unappealing granola bar. "Lou can tell you." He flicked his cold blue gaze to the nervous older man. "He knows all about it."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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