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Graceful and majestic was she,
As beautiful as beauty could be.
Green eyed and blonde,
Of ice skating was she exceedingly fond.
She had plenty of lovers,
Her bin full of valentine candy covers...
A mesmerising smile did she possess ,
But that's what hid her inner mess.

Anna-Paula, mean and rude,
Tried to cover up her flaws as hard as she could.
Her father perennially drunk,
Her brother the roadside punk.
Her mother still, in her grave,
What qualities could Anna-Paula save?

As she'd skate, she'd let out emotions,
Her pounding heart a secret ocean.
Her history sad,
Couldn't blame her for being mad.
But oh, Anna-Paula, Anna-Paula,
Tricked by someone handsome and fair,
About her did he not care!
He promised her happiness,
She believed all he's crappiness.
She thought he'd be witty,
She ended up the victim of he's stupidity .

She then found a man, dark and mysterious,
About him, was the world curious.
They were to marry, that full moon night,
This to the world seemed perfectly right...
Except her ex lovers who tried to stop it with all their might...
Assumptions had it...the couples future would certainly be bright!

But oh! A wedding day tragedy struck,
Anna-Paula found lying in the muck.
On that very day, Anna-Paula met her death,
The Earth ceased to feel her breath.
Her death, a mystery to this day,
Save us from such tragedies do we pray.
But how did she meet such horrid fate?
Was it she, her exes or was it her beloved soul mate?

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