Chapter 30

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(A/N: Y'all remember that voice she heard when she was in the hospital, right? Yeah she really was delusional there. Oh and those nighmares she has, they're her very much over-exagerated worries about the curse mark Orochi gave her.)

We've been looking for this Tsunade woman for more than half a week now and I was getting tired of it. If we didn't find her soon I was going to pack up and go home. The best thing that happened within that few days was that we traveled a lot. I loved traveling, it's a shame I don't get to do it more often. I had also developed more skills, although I still had to perfect them. For now I could just play around with it. I stared at the liquid as it moved around. It was constantly changing shape. I just couldn't get it to take the shapes I wanted. I had practised to turn the liquid into a sphere shape, but the liquid just didn't want to work with me. Liquid molecules were ever moving, so first I had to somehow get the molecules to stop moving and so I tried to harden the liquid like I did with my bloodcells, but that proved to be even harder. I sighed in defeat, moving the liquid back where it belonged, and lay flat on the grass. "Geez... I didn't think it'd be this hard..." I'd been practising every day since I got to the Hotel the two guys had been staying, from morning to night. I only took breaks when I was hungry or chakra depraved. I turned my head to look at Naruto. He was training to be able to use a Jutsu named 'Rasengan' Jeraiya had showed him a day before I showed up. He was trying to make a rubber ball pop, but all he got was a tiny hole in it. He was having just as much trouble as I was. Actually, since he was at the 2nd stage of learning the Jutsu and I still haven't gotten to harden the liquid he may actually be advancing faster than I am, and that in its own made me jealous. I wasn't proud of it, but it was the truth. I was undeniably jealous of him. He had much more chakra than I had so I took longer to complete my training. It was frustrating. I sat up again. "I guess it can't be helped." I mumbled to myself. I turned to Naruto. "Oi, Naruto," He turned to me. "What would you say if I said I'd master my new technique faster than you could yours?"

He gave me a cocky grin. "Only in your dreams, Miyu-chan."

I grinned. "Wanna bet on it?"

"What did you have in mind?"

"If you are able to master your technique in 2 weeks –at the most- and before I completed my technique, you get be my henchman." I burst out laughing at his dumbfounded expression. "Just kidding. If you can do that then I'll pay for your Ramen for a week and admit that you're better than I am."


"But," I paused for extra effect. "If I complete my technique before yours in less than 2 weeks, you have to be my slave for a week."

He grinned. "You're on!" He turned back and started training again, more determined than before. I guess he really wanted that ramen. If I lost this bet I'd have to swallow my pride and I'm nothing without my pride. I took a deep breath and started practising again, lifting the liquid up into the air until it hovered in front of me. I focused all my energy into hardening the liquid. The best I got was a thicker liquid. It didn't harden in the slightest. I sighed loudly again. At least I was making progress... no matter how slow it's going. I shook my head as if it would clear my mind. The only way I was going to get this technique right was if I kept my eyes on the prize. I grinned wickedly at the thought of all the things I could make him do. Making him run around the village in just his underwear wasn't even scratching the surface of all the things I could make him do and he wouldn't be able to refuse. I laughed excitedly and got out a piece of paper. I started scribbling words onto it and the drew a line on it. I folded the paper so that only the line was visible and smirked slyly. I innocently walked over to Naruto and gave him the pen, pointing at the line. "Naruto, what's your signature look like?" I asked him, my face void of the devious expression I had had on my face earlier.

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