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Jeff had invited me to walk in the park so I made my way to the park running a bit late when I arrived I was wheezing I bent over gasping for air

"Yo, (y/n) you came!" I looked up to see Jeff jogging toward me I stood up straight (well kinda) I smiled and waved

"Hey, what's up?" I asked he seemed to get nervous and unusual

"Well I was wondering about your answer"

"My answer? What answer?" I asked tilting my head to the side he obviously didn't like my question but he didn't lash out the took a deep breath

"Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked looking me in the eyes I felt my eyes tear up slightly Jeff's eyes seemed to get wider he started to freak out "hey! What's wrong? What happened?!" He started frantically patting my face in a last resort action I couldn't help but start laughing Jeff's face went blank

"Oh my God Jeffery I love you "

" that a yea?"

"Yea I would love to be your boyfriend"

Jeff The Killer- Boyfriend scenarios-( male reader)Where stories live. Discover now