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"No. Ciara what do you mean no?" She's rejecting me and I'm not liking it.

"I just think this is moving to fast. Lucas we just got back together."

"Baby look at me, do you love me?" I know she does, I just love hearing her say it.

"Yes I love you, that's what this whole thing has been about."

"Good and I love you."

"But all of this is so sudden, Luc your acting on impulse."

She tried to walk away from me but I was serious about this, I let a deep breath and grabbed her hand. "Look at me Ciara please, what time is it on that clock?"

She glanced at the clock on the microwave. "Seven sixteen in the morning."

"Right, and here I am barley dressed making you breakfast and on one knee holding an engagement ring. Where would I get one this early?" She was quiet, I hate when she's quiet. "Ciara I bought this ring over a year ago for you. I just could never bring myself to ask you. I want to marry you, I want to spend my life with you, I want to make babies with you. So marry me Love, make me happy so I can make you happy."

"I've never meet your family, do they know about me?" She wants to say yes, she's just trying to talk herself out of it.

"My mother does." I can tell my words surprised her. It's true my mother know all about Ciara and how she is a special part of my life. After my last relationship I took a change for the worst as my mother says. Death and lies would do that to a person, steal away your joy. After Ciara came into my life my mother said she brought me back to life, and I agree with her I didn't fully breath again until after I met her. Call me selfish but I wasn't ready to share her yet, cause once my mother meets her I'll never have Ciara all to myself again.

"She does?" Her eyes lit up.

"Yea she does baby and she can't wait to meet you."


"Yes?" I was confused.

She held out her hand for me. "Yes i'll marry you Lucas Westbrook." I placed the ring on her finger and picked her up kissing her in the process.

"Where are we going?" She asked as I carried her to the kitchen counter.

"Were going to make love all day, first on the kitchen counter and than the bathroom." I kissed down her neck.

"No, we can't all day." She moaned as I sucked on her neck.

I pulled back and looked at her. "Ciara stop telling me no, please."

"Sorry it's just that I have plans with my friend Mara to go look at furniture for the apartment."

"Who the fuck is Mara." I had never heard of her

"She's my friend, we work out together at the gym."

"Why do you need furniture, when we can go back home?"

"Lucas this is my home, just cause were engaged doesn't mean I'm moving back in with you."

"And why not? I'm not leaving you here. We still don't know who did this." I was referring to her empty apartment.

She jumped down from the counter. "I want us to do this right Luc."

I lifted her left hand. "How much right could this be?" Damn it looked good on her hand, the thought of her being my wife was making me even hornier, and can't wait to see her stomach swollen with my babies.

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