On the clairvoyant redhead and Leo's past

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I feel like my chapters should be longer somehow...? Here's a slightly longer chapter xD



I woke up in my own bed, with someone knocking impatiently on my door.

"Jordan. Jordan. Jordan. Jordan." The voice came, over and over.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I yelled, fed up. The knocking ceased.

"Come out here!" The voice called. I rolled my eyes and pushed off the covers.

Wait- covers?

Was talking with Nico just a dream?

I walked to the door and opened it, only. To find a crowd of people outside my door. Piper, Jason, Annabeth, Percy- oh, it hurt to see him after the dream I had had- Leo, Nico- and judging by the look on his face, talking with him had not been a hallucination- and a new girl.

"This is Rachel." Piper said. I inspected this Rachel.

She had lots of curly, bright red hair, and her pale skin was dotted with freckles. Her eyes were the most striking thing though- they were bright green, and they looked as if they could see into your soul, piercing right through you.

"I'm Jordan." I stuck out my hand, trying out this friendly attitude Piper always managed to put out. Rachel regarded it as if it was a snake. I related. I put my hand down.

"Now Rachel, be nice." Piper reprimanded.

"No, it's okay." I stopped her. Rachel regarded me with a new look, and we reached a mutual understanding.

No touching.

"This is the other new girl then? The one who predicts the future? The other schizophrenic?" I questioned. Piper nodded, her eyes widening.

"You already know a lot, don't you?" Jason asked, impressed. I shook my head.

"I just listen." I muttered.

"It's not smart to bring us together." Rachel suddenly spoke. "It could be dangerous, but I wanted to see you for myself." She eyed me, taking in everything.

My long, dark, wavy hair. The conflicted look in my golden eyes, constantly struggling between reality and illusion, the real me and the fake me. The clothes I clearly hadn't changed out of since yesterday. Socks dirty from the tar on the roof. I got the feeling she saw everything, like I saw everything in her.

When you're constantly fighting false realities, you get good at reading people- to make sure they're real.

"Do you understand why it's not smart for us to be together?" Rachel asked. I nodded.

"A mind of the past and a mind of the future shouldn't intermingle." I said simply. She nodded. My theory was correct.

"Wait, what?" Leo said, confused. My eyes sought him out, locking on his curious dark orbs.

"You remember telling me how Rachel has predicted the future with her hallucinations?" I asked. Leo nodded slowly. All eyes were on me.

And it was making me nervous.

"She sees the future." I said simply. "I'm different. And because of that, it's dangerous for me to be around her. It could set something off... Something..." I looked over at Rachel, silently asking for help.

"Something weird. Something dangerous. Something none of you want to experience." Rachel added nervously, looking down and shifting in place. I got the feeling she knew what would happen. I didn't know exactly...

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