On mean girls and mistakes

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Here's where I actually start writing. :D



Drew Tanaka, the girl I thought seemed pretty nice, stopped me halfway down the hall.

Thinking of her as nice was probably the biggest lie I had ever told myself.

"Ew. New?" She snarled.

"Yeah." I almost growled back.

Stop talking to me.

Can't you see? I don't want to hear those stupid noises come out of your pink little mouth.

"I thought so... They get more and more fabuLESS each time! Ugh, you're worse than that psycho redhead girl, Rochelle." Drew flipped her hair. I raised my eyebrow. Fabuless?

"Um, her name is Rachel, Drew," another girl piped up.

"Ah, shut it, Lacy." Drew drawled, smacking her gum.

"Okay." The girl chime, as if Drew hadn't just sniped at her.

"Anyways," Drew continued, "You should really consider a new color. Brown slash blonde slash red isn't your thing, darling." She lifted a section of my hair with two fingers as if she were holding a pair of smelly gym socks instead of hair.

"Ah that's okay." I said, not interested. "Its not as if your opinion mattered anyways. I mean, look how many people care!" I pointed to the empty hallway, a smile cracking my expressionless lips.

Ooh, something in my head chanted. It feels like crazy time.

Drew's lips turned down in a pout.

A nasty, condescending pout.

Imagine a queen looking at a dead rat.

That's what I was getting.

"Excuse me?" She shrieked. My smile grew further.

Doesn't she know?

I can't stand any of you.

Doors opened up and down my hallway, the people from my outcast table peeking out to watch the show. I saw all but the last empty room and my door open.

Time for a show.

I guarantee you...

It will be fabulous.

"You little wench! I should cut off all of your ugly hair and dump it in the toilet with all that crap- where it belongs!" Drew screeched. I put a hand over my heart, feigning hurt.

"You would do such a thing? How awful." I deadpanned. She seemed to be more enraged by my non-reaction.

Didn't she know?

That's all they're going to get from me.

"You know what?" I said, lifting a finger at my idea. "I think it's best if you run back to your room and lock the door." I advised her, motioning with my hands, mentally sweeping her away. Drew's eyes narrowed, her pink eyeliner showing.

"Why would I lock the door?" She snarled. The smile on my face grew wider, a scary grin crossing my face as I almost giggled at her stupidity.

"Because if you don't lock your door I'll be able to get in." I giggled. "If I get in, you won't have any hair. Plus... All that nice makeup you use will be gone too... Spilled all over your nice Prada bags and Hollister t-shirts." I informed her. Drew's eyes got really wide as she backed away slowly, before she turned and ran, screaming something unintelligible about bags and hair.

I turned around, satisfied with my work, only to find the entire hallway completely out of their rooms, staring at me breathlessly.

"What." I demanded, my voice a monotone.

I don't like being the center of attention. Makes me feel like they all want to cut me open, see what makes me tick.

I like being lonely by myself.

Not lonely in a crowd.

"Well? Do you need something?" I asked gruffly, hiding behind my bangs. I didn't want to look at them.

"You go girl!" Piper suddenly shouted. I looked up in surprise as Piper hugged me.

I froze.

She needs to let go. Now.

Piper stepped back, beaming at me.

"No one has ever stood up to Drew." She explained. I narrowed my eyes.

Not even bad boy Percy?


"Attention tenants, curfew is at 9:00 exactly. As it is 7:31 exactly, you have exactly 56 minutes to roam. Goodnight." The intercom clicked off.

Wait. 7:31 to 9:00 wasn't 56 minutes.

"Oh that was Dionysus. He's no good at math." Piper explained, noting the confused look on my face. I nodded, somewhat getting it.

"Don’t sweat it, the first night here is always the worst." Percy reassured me, patting me on the head. I tensed again.

Why do people keep touching me?

I felt eyes on me.

My head snapped up, my eyes meeting fiery blue eyes... All the way down at the end of the corridor.


Oh great, more people watching me.

"I'm just gonna go back to my room, kay? Bye." I brushed them all off, fighting down the shivers threatening to break out. I ran down to my room, sliding into my doorway and turning to face the hall opposite mine to close the door.

Only to see those eyes.

Nico openly stared at me as I grabbed the doorknob, fighting to keep my hand from shaking as I quickly pulled the door closed-

And screamed.

I pulled the door shut so fast I hadn't moved my hand out of the way, and I heard my bones crunch as the unyielding door slammed shut. Blood pooled down the door, staining the pristine white doorway a crimson red.

Red with my blood.

I couldn't stop screaming, the pain was so overwhelming.

I heard concerned voices outside my closed door, but they soon turned to growls and I heard the familiar sound of my demons chasing after me.

They had found me already?

I wrenched my hand out of the door, only for the limbs to separate at the wrist, my hand coming off, leaving a bloody stump on my arm.

I screamed louder as I felt the first demon touch my back.

The next grabbed my hand, which was wrapped around my wrist to staunch the blood flow.

The blood that was staining my white room a scarlet red.

They were trying to get my hand off my wrist, so that the blood would flow faster- so I would die quicker.

I couldn't let them. I had to stay alive.

But it was getting harder to move...

My eyes slid shut.

It was over.



Hehe, ya'll hate me, but it's not over yet, I promise.

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