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I took a deep breath and walked in and saw Michael immediately with his peppy little blonde white trash girlfriend. She had a drink in her hand, as did Michael and I already dreaded coming here.

Michael and I have been best friends since who knows how long. And yes, I've been a bit jealous of his girlfriends but I'm dating Luke, and he has a girlfriend too, so what'st he point in being jealous if we're both happy?

I know what the point is... I've been in love with Mikey since I laid eyes on him. And that's why I've been so jealous, why no matter how many times I make out with Luke, or have him spend the night, or how many times he tells me I'm beautiful and that he loves me, I can't seem to fill this empty void... It has to be Michael. Without him, I'm nothing.

I sighed and walked over to them. Mikey's face immediately broke into a smile when he saw me, which made me feel good, but knew he looks the same way at his girlfriend.

She coughed when she saw he was looking at me, which made me glare at her. We've never gotten along, and I don't intend to any time soon.

"Come on, it's just Ashley," Mikey said. He reached out to give me a hug, and I did, but she continued to glare at me.

"A word, Michael?" she said to him through gritted teeth.

They stood and walked somewhere at the other end of the bar. She was snapping at him about something, and he was rubbing his head. She always does this to him. Why can't he see that I'm the one who would make him happy, not stress him out like this?

He said something to her, she crossed her arms and he covered his eyes. She placed her hands on his chest and stood on her tip-toes to say something in his ear, then wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him.

I turned the other way, and within a minute or so, they were back to where I stood awkwardly by the bar.

"Do you want a drink ma'am?" the bartender asked me.

"No thanks," I said. "I intend on staying sober tonight."

He shrugged and went back to drying glasses and making drinks.

I sat off to the side as Mikey and his girlfriend giggled and got drunk until it was around 2 in the morning and had to drive them both home.

I dropped Michael's girlfriend off at her house, leaving Mikey sitting in the front seat, slowly beginning to sober up.

I focused on the road, my thoughts swimming with how happy I could be if Mikey would just break up with that little bitch.

"I miss the old days," Mikey said. "You know, like when we were young and free and didn't have girlfriends or boyfriends who interfere with everything."

I sighed. "Me too. I don't know why your girlfriend doesn't like me."

"She's jealous," he said. "She thinks there's something between you and I that isn't."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Like... That we're more than friends," he said. "We're just friends, and she doesn't realize that."

"Stuck in the friend zone," I said under my breath. Unfortunately, he heard.

"What do you mean stuck in the friend zone?"

I didn't like where this was going. But I guess it was just confession time.

"I'm stuck in the friend zone with you," I said. "Because you have a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend."

"Do you not want to be in the friend zone?" he asked.

Oh God... "No, Michael, I don't."

I pulled into the driveway of his house and as soon as I put it in park, he grabbed the collar of my shirt and kissed me.

I pulled away. "Michael, you're drunk."

"I may be drunk but I know what I want," he said, looking into my eyes. "I have felt this way about you since the day I laid eyes on you."

"You don't mean that," I said, looking away. "You love your girlfriend."

"No," he said. "I don't. I hoped she would make you jealous, that's what I've been going for. I don't love her. I love you, and I know you love me too."

Did he really mean all of this?

He pulled my key out of the ignition. "Stay with me tonight."

I looked over at him, and I knew by the look in his eyes that he was beyond sober at this point. He didn't have to say another word, I was out of the car within a minute and at his front door.

He opened it and we went inside. He took my hand and walked me into his bedroom. He shut the door behind us, backing me against it.

"There's been so many things I've been wanting to do to you for so long now," he said in a low voice in my ear.

My heart started pounding and my clothes were on the floor in no time, so I stood in my underwear. Michael took no time in removing his own clothes. He pressed himself against me, sucking on my neck and running his hands down my sides. He took me by my hips and threw me onto the bed. This was going to be rough, I already knew but I was more than prepared for it.

He unclasped my bra, tossing it onto the floor and moving his kissing on my neck to my chest. He used his tongue, leaving wet kisses along my collar bone and between my breasts. He slid his hand into my underwear, rubbing me and making me even more wet than ever. He tugged my underwear down my legs in one motion and in the next moment his underwear was on the floor as well.

He pushed into me slowly, and I gripped the blankets on either side of me, gasping as he filled me. I arched my back and he began to pound into me hard and fast.

"Oh Michael," I groaned his name as he continued his assualt on me, I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, my entire body rocking. I couldn't see straight, and Michael wasn't letting me have a second to try to regain myself either.

"Does that feel good?" he said in a low voice in my ear. I whimpered in response.

"Is it better than Luke?" he asked, and I began to feel my stomach tighten.

"Michael... I'm... So... Close..." I bit my lip and arched my back.

He went even faster, and I climaxed, screaming his name and laid in immense pleasure.

"Was it?" he asked.

"What?" I breathed.

"Was it better than Luke?" he looked at me with eyes as curious as a young child.

"Yes, it was," I said. "So much better."

"I'll have to break up with old girlfriend tomorrow," he smirked sleepily. "I've got a way better one now."

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