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"Stella and Ashton," he called out our names and my heart started pounding, sending me into a panic.

I looked across the room to Ashton, who also made eye contact with me.

Why did he put US together, of all people? Ashton and I used to have a thing but then I got together with Luke, making things between Ashton and I extremely awkward. Luke and I broke up about a month ago and Ashton and I still haven't talked to each other since.

God, this was going to be so awkward.

"Remember, you're not trying to make enemies. You're trying to make peace." He always said this. We were a part of this organization that we got put into pairs and went to several clubs, parties and casinos and helped fights from breaking out. We weren't trying to get in the middle of a fight and we weren't to throw punches or use any self defense until necessary. All we were to do was to step in and stop it from happening, or call the police if needed.

When he finished listing off the names for everyone, he told us our locations and I saw Ashton getting his keys.

"We're taking my car," he said flatly.

"Demanding much?" I snapped at him, and he scowled at me, turning his back and grabbing his bag. I did the same and followed him, not saying a word.

We were assigned to a casion/resort, which meant I would more than likely end up staying in a hotel room with him tonight. Funnnnn.

We walked in silence out to his car and I threw my bag in the backseat, sitting in the passenger seat. There was a cold silence between us as he started the car and pulled out, driving to the casino we were assigned to. 

The sun was slowly dipping down on the horizon, giving the sky an pink-orange glow. Under most circumstances I would be admiring it rather than fuming at Ashton.

It wasn't my fault that I had fallen for Luke so hard. I'll admit that I still have feelings for Ashton but this is why we never happened... He's such an ass.

Luke was so sweet. He was charming, gorgeous, loyal and trustworthy, and damn was he good in bed. It broke me that we had to separate. I didn't think I could be any happier with Luke, so why did I still have feelings for Ashton?

I never had feelings for Ashton while I was with Luke, probably because Luke was always distracting me. And don't get me wrong, I miss Luke terribly and would do almost anything to have him back, but I think it's a good thing we broke up because our relationship was too perfect. We never fought, he always called exactly when he said he would. He always showed up on time, and I never had to once be jealous of him looking at other girls. Maybe that was why I wanted Ashton. Maybe it was because Ashton and I would fight and argue, he would forget to call, he would always show up late and he was constantly flirting with other girls. Maybe it's because he made me crazy, and that's why I wanted him so badly.

I didn't tell him this, of course, because telling him would make me look weak. And looking weak is the last thing you want to do with a job like mine. So for now I was going to stick with gradually easing him into falling for me, so much that he's going to want to at least try to be mature for me.

"Are you just going to ignore me for the entire night?" I asked, finally breaking the silence.

"I don't have anything to say to you," he said back emotionlessly.

"It seems like you had plenty to say to me before Luke," I said.

"Don't bring him up," he gripped the steering wheel tightly.

"What's your issue?" I asked. "I thought maybe we had a shot at being friends, but I guess not."

"No, we don't," he said coldly. "We can't be friends, Stella."

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