Luke Part 1

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You had this friend named Luke that you really really liked, but you didn't know if he liked you, so you didn't make any moves. Plus, you had a boyfriend and he had a girlfriend, so you really didn't see any point in pursuing him. But yet there was still this little feeling in your chest that you got every time he would smile at you or you would think about him. Not to mention having so many dreams about that adorable smile and bright blue eyes...

One day you went on a double date with your boyfriend and Luke and his girlfriend to this amusement park. You had a great time with all of them, but you kept found yourself wishing you could go on a ride just with Luke. You and your boyfriend decided you wanted to go on a ride in the water park portion of the amusement park, and Luke and his girlfriend agreed, so you went to change into your swimsuit.

You had a bright purple bikini that you were dying to put on since summer had only just started and you hadn't gotten a chance to wear it yet. You put it on as quickly as possible and pulled your hair into a messy bun. You walked out and your boyfriend looked at you with wide eyes, looking you up and down. You smiled at him and punched his arm playfully. He knew that you saw him checking you out. Luke's girlfriend walked out wearing a bikini as well, and you saw your boyfriend looking at her too, but you pretended to be doing something else with your bag. Hopefully if you didn't say anything he would continue to do it. You didn't know why you felt that way, but you didn't question it. That's when Luke walked out in his swimsuit, shirtless. Your eyes immediately went down his entire body, taking in his muscles and somehow already slight tan. He must've already been out in the sun. You noticed that he saw you staring so you went back to being interested in your bag. You went back to your boyfriend's car to put your bag in before he took your hand and walked with you to the ride you wanted to go on. It was an easygoing ride that you thought was fun, but your boyfriend complained about being boring.

When you met back up with Luke and his girlfriend, it turns out they had the same problem with the ride they went on, but the roles were switched. Luke didn't want to go on a crazy ride and his girlfriend did.

"Why don't you want to go on a crazy ride?" she asked him.

He shrugged. "I don't know, I just don't want to."

She sighed and crossed her arms. "Why don't we go on one of those rides and we can't meet up with our losers later," your boyfriend joked with Luke's girlfriend.

"Fine," she said, making the "loser" sign to Luke, which he laughed at as she walked away with your boyfriend.

"Well what do you want to do?" Luke asked you. You almost got caught in a daydream of his dreamy blue eyes but stopped yourself.

"I don't really care. Just nothing crazy."

"I kind of want to try the hot tub," he said, and you agreed and walked with him to it. As soon as you got it, you felt the water amazing against your skin and you moaned in pleasure.

He laughed. "You must like hot tubs?"

"I love them," you said, leaning your head back.

He came and sat by you in the hot tub. "I have one at my house." Your pulse quickened as you imagined what could happen if you went to his house in the hot tub with him.

"I saw you checking me out when I walked out of the changing rooms," he smirked and you felt yourself blush. "It's okay though," he smiled. "I was checking you out too."

"You... Have a girlfriend," you said.

"And you have a boyfriend," he said. You look a deep breath.

"How about you meet me at my place at seven tonight?" he said softly in your ear. You nodded immediately, and he laughed, moving away from you to sit across from you.

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