Chapter 13

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^^^I just love this

I saw Hunter rise up off of Gelo as Isabella approached the couple. You may wonder....How did Hunter and Isabella know each other and Gelo and Hunter just met? Well see, we actually lived in Chino Hills and we moved when I was 7 Hunter was 8 and Ari was 9. Hunter was always one step ahead of Isabella and Isabella didn't like that, not one bit. They used to be best friends back in pre school and kindergarten, but once they hit 1st grade at age 6, and they tried out for the same club volleyball team, and when they both made it, Hunter was elected captain and a starter, Isabella separated herself from us and started to hate us, especially Hunter. Hunter was always told she was prettier than Isabella, and that she was more popular than Isabella; Isabella continued to separate herself and Hunter lost her best friend. One tournament, the last one before we moved, Hunter finally had enough. They were up 24-25, one more point to win. Coach Jones specifically told the girls to set the ball to Hunter for the kill to win the championship. Ariana served it and the other team returned it back over and the girls set it up for Hunter, but Isabella came soaring in, shoved Hunter to the ground, and spiked it. The other team blocked it and thank god Hunter was still on the ground because she passed it up and got up in time for the kill and won the game. We later found out she sprained her wrist and broke a finger because of Isabella's craziness. We moved soon after that tournament. I snapped out of my flashback to see Hunter and Isabella in each other's faces. "Wow....I've never seen 2 hoes get in each others' faces over Gelo," Phaquan said. Taliah hit him. "Don't call my sister a hoe...," I said," JJ is one, but compared to Isabella.....she's a virgin." The group laughed and Gelo turned around giving me a half smile, which also caused Isabella to forget Hunter and look at me. "YOU TOO?! I'm guessing the oldest slut is here too! ALL 3 HOES ARE BACK IN THE HILLS!!!" "HEY! THIS IS BETWEEN YOU AND ME! DON'T BRING MY SISTERS INTO THIS! THIS IS BETWEEN ME AND YOU BITCH!" Hunter yelled. Isabella got back in her face and squared up, but so did Hunter. They just stared at each other. "You think you're so much better than me, don't you bitch?" Isabella said, raising one of her fake ass eyebrows. "Yes I actually do. You should try realizing that sooner," Hunter said and she gave her the fakest smile in all creation. "You're so fake," she said. "Yeah just like your tits and ass," Hunter said. The boys all went "Daaaammnnnnnn!!!!" and the girls and I were laughing. Other people who had made their way to the gym, other ball players I suppose, started laughing and pointing. Isabella lunged at Hunter, but LiAngelo and Eli stepped in; Eli pulling away Izzy and Gelo shielding my sister. Gelo turned around, pulled Hunter forward, and gave her a deep kiss in front of Izzy. We all look at her, who looked beyond pissed. Everyone, but Melo and I were shocked. They pulled away and Izzy came up and pushed Hunter against the wall. "I will get you bitch. You can take my spot and popularity, but no one takes my man." She tried to swing at her, but Hunter grabbed her fist and pulled so they were now switched and Izzy was now on the wall. "Try me bitch. I'll make you wish you weren't born." Izzy raised her eyes in fear, and when Hunter released her, she ran as fast as her high ass hoe heels would allow her to. Hunter came over and sat down. When she placed her hand into Gelo's, she winced and she looked at her wrist to see nail marks. "The bitch got me with her stilettos!" she yelled, standing up, ready to find Izzy and beat her ass. "Make it up at tryouts," Gelo said soothing her. Hunter looked deep in thought as Gelo pulled some band aid out of his backpack.

This bitch ruins everything. Not only does she try to fight me, she's trying out for the volleyball team. "I don't wanna try out anymore," I said. Gelo looked at me in shock. He put both hands on my thighs and looked into my eyes. "Hey...don't let some hoe that used to be your best friend affect you. I know you're not the type of girl to give up easily. I know that it's a fight, but don't let Izzy win the battle." That was deep. I never though of Gelo being a person that would have such wise words. I nodded my head and smiled at him. "Thanks Gelo." I grabbed his face with both my hands and kissed him. "Since when did ya'll start kissing and shit?!" Don yelled. I blushed and Gelo responded, "Yesterday nigga. I asked her yesterday." "Ya'll look like a fucking married couple lmao," Makayla said. We look at each other and smiled. We all got a couple shots up before the bell rung, signaling school was about to start. Gelo walked me to my first period. "I'll see you at lunch. Then meet up with me at my car after 5th so we can leave." I nodded and gave him a kiss.

*skip school to tryouts*

I sighed as Oni, Destiny, Michaela, Makayla, and I walked into the locker room. I had left school early to chill out and shake the nerves off with Gelo during our free period and came back for this. D, Michaela, and I had volleyball tryouts, Oni had soccer tryouts, and Makayla had cheer practice. I slipped on my clothes, knee pads, and shoes and gave Oni a nervous look. She came and sat one side of me, Michaela on the other, and Makayla and D across from us. "You'll do fine. Just imagine that you're back at Hale....and it's just any other tryouts. You'll do fine," Oni said rubbing my back, Michaela rubbing my hand. "You're right." I stood up and gave the other 3 a hug and Oni and I did our handshake. "I'm happy to be your sister," I said. "Me too." We hugged and walked out to see Melo, Gelo, Eli, Phaquan, and Destiny's boyfriend, Brandon. "We said we'd support ya'll," Eli said. I walked out to Gelo and hugged him. "You'll be fine." I kissed him and walked into the gym, Michaela and D on my heels. I look at the first row of bleachers to see Izzy and some of her goons. I walked to a spot on the courts with the 2 girls and we start stretching. I see Gelo, Eli, Makayla, Brandon, and Phaquan walk in and sit in the bleachers towards the top. Izzy looks at Gelo and gives him a seductive smirk and wave, only to be rewarded with an eye roll from him. He looked at me and gave me one last reassuring smirk before the whistle blew. We all lined up on the baseline of the basketball courts. "Just know that Izzy is captain of the team, " Micki (Michaela) said, "But Coach picks a new one every year. " I nodded. We started out with conditioning...killed that, I'm a basketball player and a track star for Christ's sake. We then did drills and matches. Tryouts were almost over and we were at game point on my court. My team was winning 25-24; Izzy was on the opposite team. My teammate served it over and it was returned to us. My players set it up for me and I aimed at the libero, Izzy. I slammed it so hard that it hit her in the face causing her to fall on her ass. And with that coach blew the whistle and that she'd be back with tryout results in 20 minutes. Michaela, D, and I went up to our friends and boyfriends. "You ask did great!" Makayla cheered. "Girl I don't know why you was so worried. knocked Izzy on her ass," Eli added. I looked at Gelo, who opened up his arms. I snuggled into them and he whispered in my ear," You did great." 20 minutes later coach cones out with a clipboard. "Step forward if I call your name. Isabella Morris, Cassidy Gonzales, Savannah Klemetsen, Michaela Corbett, Aliyah Fashaw, Hunter Allen, Destiny Jones, Lauren Friis, Casey Davenport, and Emily Martinez.....welcome to the team!!" We all jumped and cheered and we heard the boys cheering in the bleachers. The people who got cut walked out. "Ok time to decide captains this year. Now you all impressed me throughly. It was tough to decide captains, but I made my decision. Please congratulate Hunter Allen and Michaela Corbett!" The whole team except Isabella congratulated us. "Practices start tomorrow after school be on time!" I changed my shoes, said goodbye to the girls and walked out with Gelo, so we could collect Melo and Oni. When we found them. Oni looked angry. She explained to me about how's some hoe named Aaliyah tried to fight her after she made captain. We told her to just show her on the field adorned we headed home. I took a shower, changed and climbed in bed with Gelo. I snuggled up to him. "Babe?" he asked. "Yeah?" " You won the battle today" I smiled and kisses his cheek. "Goodnight babe," I said. "Night boo," he said. As he fell asleep, I thought to myself....I may have won the battle today, but the way Izzy looked at me after tryouts brought a different feeling. This is no longer a battle....This is a WAR.
Okay guy! Ya'll may hate me with all the hate against Izzy. Even thought I really like LiAngelo, Izzy makes him happy and I support it comoletely, it just helps the storyline. In all reality, those 2 are mom and dad lmao. I hope u like the bomb so far. I'll get back to more Oni and Ari soon. Comment and Vote and rend go check out my other ball brothers book, if you haven't already. It's called We Want Them.
Peace out boys✌

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