Chapter 4

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*Hunter* (4th period)
I walked into my Calculus class with Destiny. We've become kinda close even though we've only known each other for a day. I walked in and took an open seat at a table for 2. The teacher gave us the assignment and we started it. About 20 minutes into class, I hear the teacher say, "Mr.Ball! Why are you late to my class?" "Sorry Ms.Thompson. My last teacher held me because he was talking forever about the team this year then I got stopped by coach," a deep voice replied. I know that voice.....ehhh. It's probably some jackass I met today. "Ok don't make it a routine. Have a seat Mr Ball." I then hear footsteps coming toward the right of my table. I covered my hair with my face so he couldn't see me. Then he stopped and said, "Is this seat taken?" I don't know why I had the audacity to look up at this person, but when I did, I saw the person who I thought it was. It was the sexy football player-bulit basketball player from the park. He smiled at me and showed his amazing smile. He had gotten his braces off. "Well hello sexy! I guess you were right. We'll be seeing a lot of each other now because the seats in Thompson's classes are always final for the rest of the year." I groaned, but I was actually real happy. "The name is LiAngelo Ball, beautiful, but you can call me Gelo." "I like it....why do they call you Gelo?" I questioned smiling. "Hold up sweetie. We haven't even had our first date yet," he smirked. I giggled. "You have to tell me your name now." I looked at him and said," I already told you that you'd here about me without knowing my name, babe." "But how am I supposed to know it's you, sexy?" he joked. I laughed and then sighed. "Hunter. My name's Hunter, and people just call me Hunter." He looked at me and smiled, "What's your middle name? Gotta have a nickname for you." "Slow down babe. We haven't even gone on our first date yet," I mocked. We both laughed and he pulled out a piece of paper and wrote his number on it. "Text me later," he said, "maybe you could come over and help me with this dumbass homework or we can just chilll?" Then the bell rang. "I gotta go meet up with my sister. Bye Gelo!" "Bye Hunter!"

I walk into 4th period, which is Anatomy for me and Taylor. I sit down at a table and Taylor sits to my left. We talk until I notice someone sit next to me. It's was him. I cleared my throat and he spun around apologizing for taking the seat until her realized who I was. "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" he said. "I guess. I didn't know that people who have such a low IQ could take this class," I retorted. "Ouch. Just trying to be nice. Why do you hate me?" " I'm not. You called me doll. Your fault, not mine. " The teacher came to the front of the room and said that we would start real work tomorrow and today is just a hangout day. The boy looked at me, "I never introduced myself. I'm LaMelo Ball, call me Melo." I recognized that name. THIS IS LONZO BALL'S LITTLE BROTHER! I leaned over to Tay who was confused, "Ari, Hunter, and I played the Ball brothers in the park a few weeks ago and beat them....we beat the ball brothers.." "Aren't you gonna tell me yours?" he asked. "I'm Ione Allen. Call me Oni." He exchanged numbers with me. "You know I think you're wanna take you out on a date." I scoffed,"How about get to know a girl first?" We laughed and Melo, Tay, and I talked the rest of the period till the bell rang.

(Time skip....end of school)
Me, Tay, Hunter, Makayla, and Destiny all climbed in Hunter's BMW. We drove home and the girls hung out until about 4:00. Then Ari walked in and asked us if we wanted to go to her practice and see if we can join. We said sure and grabbed out exercise stuff just in case.

As I walked downstairs, I texted Gelo (Gelo - bold Hunter - italic)

Hey sexy. This is my number😜
What's good boo thang? Are you busy?
Yea I'm going to my sister's basketball practice you?
Yea same. I'm going to ky older brother's practice.
Ok well if you need help with the homework just text me and I'll see you tomorrow!
Yea see ya cutie!

We got into Ari's car and drove up to UCLA and got there 15 minutes early. The coach said we could practice with them. We were just finishing warmups when the guys came in to join us. I saw Gelo and ran to give him a hug. "Interesting seeing you again. Can't stay away?" he joked. "Stop I'm here to practice with my sister, Ari, and Oni's here too. " "Same. I'm with my brother, Zo, and Melo's here too." Ari and Lonzo walk over at the same time. "Ari this is--" I started. "Lonzo Ball. I've heard a lot about you." Gelo said, "Zo this is--" "Arizona Allen. I know who you are." As they stared into each other's eyes, I could tell they were in love. This should be interesring. I smirked at Gelo and he smirked at me. Then Coach Alford blew the whistle. We all stood on the baseline with Oni to my left and Melo to her left and to my right was Gelo, then Ari, and then Lonzo. This will be so much fun.....I think.
YOOOOOO! Hope ya'll liked this chapter. I'll try to come out with the next one very soon.

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