Chapter 10

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^^^the twins left is Angela and the right is Tiana

The car ride to In and Out was so lit. Even though I tried to be involved in it, I was scared about the baby conversation. Gelo didn't look entirely convinced that Tiana was my cousin. I don't know how to explain it to him, but yet I don't need to because he isn't my boyfriend and he isn't my dad. We reached In and Out and Ari parked the car. "Ok boys. Can you go in and order for us? We'll be in shortly." she smiled. They nodded and said yea and got out. When they got out and walked in, Ari locked the doors and turned around. "Ok you're obviously stressed because you're usually really hyped up," she scolded," What's up?" I sighed," Gelo asked about the pictures of Tiana and I on the wall and I told him it was my cousin, but he didn't seem entirely convinced." "Tell him," Oni said," He deserves to know." "Guys. He isn't my boyfriend so he doesn't deserve to know anything. Plus we all promised mom that we'd keep Tiana and Angela a secret and I don't go back on promises and you guys know that." "Just explain it to him," Oni sighed. "He doesn't know there's 2." "TELL HIM!" Ari shouted. "How?! Just say 'Oh yeah Gelo! I lied, the babies weren't our cousins, but they're out of our lives now.' NO!" "And if he figures out through someone else that you lied to him? What will he think after that?" Ari questioned.  "I don't know. But he's gonna have to live with curiosity until I'm ready. He doesn't deserve to know anything until he's my boyfriend. End of conversation." I unlocked the door and walked into the restaurant. Zo and Melo were waiting for the food and I went to sit with Gelo at the table he got. He smiled as I walked up. I instantly became nervous and guilty. I lied to him. I lied to the guy I have feelings for. What will he think of me if he figures out the truth from someone other than me? I smiled back at him. "Everything ok?" he asked. "Yeah. Just something from our parents. It's all good." He just nodded. Zo, Melo, Oni and Ari came back and we ate. Melo went on live and we got kinda hype. Gelo grabbed the phone and put it on me. "My girl hear plays volleyball too!" I smiled at the camera. Melo grabbed it back, "Mine plays soccer!" Zo grabbed it also," Mine plays softball, niggas." After a little while longer, we finished and Melo turned off live and we went back to our house. We went and balled in the gym for a little while. It was around 10 and we went to bed. Everyone was asleep, but I could not sleep. I was too nervous about this. I got out of Gelo's grip, slipped on some sweats, a sports bra, Big Baller tank and some Kobes, and headed up to our gym. After about 45 minutes of playing, I heard the door open. I turned to see Ari. "Why you up here?" she asked. "Couldnt sleep. Wasn't tired. So i thought why not get some practice in to tire me out." I gave her a nervous look and started to tear up a little. She ran over and hugged me and I cried to her shoulder. "I miss her Ari! I want her back!" "I know Hunter, I know." "How do I explain this to him? He'll never forgive me." "Tell him you aren't ready to tell him the whole story, but tell him it wasn't your cousin and that you're sorry you lied. If he really cares about you, he'll respect your decision, and i know he does care because he's in your room right now pacing, even i told him to go ti bed. I told him to give you some space; let's see if he does." I nodded and she walked out. "I love you H." "Love you A." She started to walk out, but she stopped and turned around. "Hunter, i know its only been 2 or 3 days since you met him, but i can that he really loves you. You may not see it yet, but you will. I really like Gelo too, he's better than Michael and I wouldn't mind having him as a brother in law someday, so don't fuck up." I laughed and said," I won't A. I think I love him too. Give me time." She chuckled and smiled, "Night." "Goodnight, bitch," I smiled and I continued shooting as she went back to bed. About a hour and a half later it was 1:30 in the morning and I still wasn't tired at all. I kept thinking about how I was going to tell LiAngelo about the kids. There were 2....twins. Their names were Angela and Tiana. That's why they look exactly the me. Except one has Hazel blue eyes....Angela. Tiana has her dad's eyes. I was reminiscing about them both when I heard the door open. I didn't look thinking it was Ari. "I don't need a lecture, Ari. I'll talk to Gelo in the morning," I said as I shot the ball. "Funny. I happen to think I'm hotter than Ari and I think we need to talk now." I spun around to see a semi tired, semi nervous, semi irritated, semi concerned LiAngelo. I smiled at him. "You're right. We do need to talk," I said, taking in his body. He wore a pair of Kobes, knowing I would be in the gym, some black Nike elite sweats, and was completely shirtless. I took in his form, his six pack and his arm muscles.....I'm so lucky. "Do you like what you see or are we gonna talk and you can touch later?" he chuckled. I looked up and we walked over to the bleachers my dad put in there. "What do you want to know?" "Everything." "Ok well....I'm not ready to tell you the whole story....I'm still sensitive about it." "It's ok...tell me what you can." Maybe Ari was right. He seems to he respecting my choice... "So my freshmen year, 2 babies came into our lives.." "Wait," he interrupted,"There was only one baby in the pictures." "They were identical twins. And they were named Angela and Tiana. We love them all. They came to us when I was a freshman, Ari was a sophomore, and Oni was only in 7th grade. We loved those babies. But just before my junior year of summer league, 2 years ago, in May, Tiana died of respiratory issues that we had to monitor since she was born. And because we were hurt having to see Angela sad for her sister dying, we put her up for was best for her. She needed a fresh start. Note you may think we're so cold hearted for giving up a kid like that, but we loved both of them so much. I do anything do see Angela again." Gelo just looked at me with a face full of concern and focus on his face.  He inhaled deeply and said, " Even though you didn't tell the whole story,  and I respect that,  thank you for telling. After I asked about them, you looked very sad and it worried me so I needed to figure out a way for you to get it out because you sad makes me sad." He pulled me into a hug and I snuggled my head into his neck, not wanting to cry in his bare chest. We pulled away and he saw the light tears sparkling on my face.  He brought his thumb up to my face and slowly wiped them away. He then cupped my gave with his hands and stared into my eyes and gave me a small smile. I returned it and we looked at each others lips. We slowly leaned into each other and when our lips connected, it was so much different than before. It wasn't fast and in the heat of the moment; it was slow,  thoughtful, fill of love, devotion, care, and romance. It gave me the feeling that he is here and here to stay. ....with me. We broke away, add much as I didn't want to,  and smiled at each other. "You look tired, " I said, " go to bed." "No, not without you. Plus you actually look tired now." We stood up off the bleachers and the exhaustion finally set in and my knees buckled a little.  Gelo caught me and carried me back to my room. He laid me on my bed and took my shoes off. "Change me back into shorts," I groaned. He hesitantly took off my sweats and grabbed my pajama shorts off my couch. He slipped them on, and then turned around to slip his sweats off and put sine basketball shorts on. He put me under the covers and slid in as well. We both laid on our sides and he pulled my back into his chest and intertwined or legs and our right hands. As drifted off, I heard him say, "Hunter, I know its only been 3 days since I've know you, but I love you " I was shocked, but our of pure exhaustion, I think,  I said, "I love you too." And with that, I drifted off to sleep; dreaming about Gelo and I's little future family.
HEYYYYY let me know what ya'll think. Sorry I didn't update sooner. School's been hella busy with all these AP tests coming up.  I'll try and update when I can. 

Story question: Do you think that the twins names were inspired from one of the characters that gas already been introduced in the story? If so, who?  (Then names don't have to be exactly the same, just something close to it.)

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