Chapter 14

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To be honest, Chino Hills has changed. I don't know if it's because I've grown up and have different view points or because it has just changed completely. It's used to be hella chill with no there's always trouble, whether it's with bros or hoes. Soccer tryouts were pretty great too. I killed everyone and I was named captain as a sophomore. I met up with Taylor after tryouts, as she tried out for cross country, and that's where I got to complain. There's this one hoe named Aaliyah, who hikes her shorts up so high you can see her ass....even if she is wearing spandex. And she'd always bend over in front of Melo and try and be someone come get this hoe before I do. Other than her hoe ass, tryouts were great. I love the team, especially the coaches. My favorite is this one girl who graduated last year with Lonzo. She's the c team and jv coach and assistant coach for varsity; her name is Denise (lolz😂😮). She's earning extra money while she's at college. She's also coaching summer league soccer after her college season's over. Anyway, after tryouts, I met up with my dear sister, Gelo, Eli, and Makayla. Looks like Destiny and Michaela went home. "Hey J," I said. "What up Oni? How was tryouts lil sis?" "It was great besides one hoe name Aaliyah," I said and Melo came and swung his arm around my shoulders. "Don't worry about that hoe," he said, " I know I got hoes, but she ain't one of em." We all looked at him as I gave him my famous 'Oh really' face. "Anddddd Melo welcome back to square one, where Oni don't give a fuck about you no more," Gelo said and everyone, but Melo died of laughter. I rolled my eyes. "Melo you're good. You know Hunter and I got hoes...hell she even is a hoe," I said. Gelo looked at her and she started to argue with me. "Bitch no the fuc--" "Bitch don't even lie. We've discussed this." She paused for a moment. "Man you right....but I'm Gelo's hoe now," Hunter said wrapping her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist," No you ain't. Even're my girl." She smiled and she gave him a kiss while Tay, O, Melo, Makayla, Eli, and I groaned in disgust. "Oh please Eli! Don't tell me you haven't kissed Makayla yet my nigga!" Gelo yelled and he just shrugged. "Let's just go home..." Hunter said,"...wait...sleepover at my place on Friday! It's for Zo's birthday since college is finna get real busy." They all nodded and we talked for a while longer. I looked at Taylor and asked, "Hey have you gotten the call from Hayley yet?" She nodded. "Yeah, my dad called my mom this morning and Hay called at free period." The group slid over to us. "Excuse the interruption,but who's this Hayley you speak off?" Melo asked. I slapped his arm playfully. Taylor laughed and said,"My baby sister. She's a 8th grader this year. You guys will be able to meet her soon." "What middle school does she go too?" Melo asked. "Rainier Middle School. You haven't heard of it because it's in Washington where we moved from. Hayley had to finished out some AAU tournaments before she was able to move here." "And she's only like one of the best players in the country....#5 that is...for all females. She beats out high school seniors," Hunter said. "What's the order??" Eli asked. "It's goes JJ, Oni, Ari, me, then Hay," Taylor said. They all looked at us 3. "Why isn't Hunter ranked?" Melo asked. Tay, Hunter, and I looked at each other. "What do you mean? I am ranked," she said laughing nervously, mostly because she thought Melo had bumped his head or some shit causing short term memory loss, and not that fact that he didn't know her nickname. "We didn't hear her name in the list," Makayla said. "OHHHH!!! JJ is a nickname. It's either that or J. It's because of my middle name. We couldn't really think of a nickname for Hunter so we took my middle name, Journey, instead and got JJ," Hunter stated. The others shook their heads in understanding. After that mishap, we all said our good byes and Makayla and Eli got in her car, O and Tay got in hers, and Gelo, Melo, Hunter and I got into Gelo's white BMW and headed back to my house. When we arrived, Zo and Ari weren't there as they has early class the next morning ans decided to actually stay in Zo's big ass dorm room that he doesn't share. I down on the couch with Hunter and Gelo and Melo went to use the bathroom. Gelo and my sister were laughing and taking pictures and videos for snapchat and instagram. I get up to go take a shower and when I come back a hour later, I see Gelo and Melo have gone outside to shoot hoops on our outdoor court and Hunter is on the couch, scrolling through her phone with a sad awestruck look on her face. "J....what's the matter?" She looks up at me with teary eyes. "Come look." I walk over to her side and look at the thing that is making her so upset. It see a picture of her and Gelo that Melo took of them together. It's of her sitting on a barstool with him in between her legs and they are looking at each other and smiling; Gelo has his hands on her waist and Hunter has hers around his neck and the sunset is behind them. The caption said I feel so blessed to have this boy in my life. I've only known him for little while, but I feel like we have best friends forever. We are best friends and lovers and I don't think it could get any better than this. I love you LiAngelo. She also tagged him in the picture too. I thought the picture and everything was cute and so did our old friends from Seattle, they loved it. The people we used to go to school with all loved it...until we see a comment from Michael...See I always knew that you were a hoe and you'll always be one. I can't believe you are playing him like that. You are just using him for his money. Die in hell you fucking whore. This hurt me with just that one comment, I can't even imagine how it hit Hunter, that comment coming from her ex-boyfriend, who she loved so much. I know Hunter can be flirtatious and we call her her hoe for fun, but she really isn't a hoe. When she finds a relationship, she devoted to the relationship. But unfortunately, the guy usually cheats on her and that's why I'm watching Gelo closely, but I think he'll be fine. He's different. I looked at Hunter who was actually crying now. "There's more?" She nodded and gave me her phone, which it continued to scroll through, seeing dozens upon dozens of hate comments calling a whore, a bitch, a slut, a hoe, and every other word on the planet that demolishes her name. I turned off the phone and shook my head. I looked at Hunter. "I should have seen this coming," she said, "Don't tell Gelo please. He'll lose his head if he finds out and he's already stressed out and I don't want to stress him out even more. So just don't tell him....please." I nodded. "Don't tell me what?" We turned to see Gelo and Melo who had come in from playing ball. "Oh nothing," I said," she just has a Christmas thing planned from you personally and she doesn't want you to know." "Oh ok....babe why are you crying?" "Oh no reason," Hunter said," we just say a video of my cousin who died and I miss her so I started to cry a little." Gelo just shrugged and led Hunter upstairs to go to bed. Melo and I got up to my room, and he shut the door. "I know why she was really crying." I looked at him. "How do you know?" "I looked at my instagram feed. I saw the comments but I didn't tell Gelo because I figured Hunter would tell him herself." "She doesn't want to tell him at all. She thinks it will stress him out." "No it won't. See Gelo hasn't cared about a girl the way he cares about her. He would jump in front of a train for her. I think she should just talk to him and promise him that they need to take care of it together as couple. It is about both of them anyway." I nodded. He's right. "We'll talk to her tomorrow. She needs to get it off her shoulders before practice or else coach may take away her captain position," he said. "She'd do that?" "Oh yeah. If it looks like you suck, she'll take it away and you don't know when you'll get it back. It'll be temporary, but knowing Hunter that'll devastate her." I nodded and we climbed into bed after Melo turned off the light. "Feel better Oni?" "Yea a little bit. You reason well Melo. That's why I love you." I leaned in and kissed him and he kissed back. "I love you to Oni." He kissed my forehead and I laid my head on his chest, falling asleep in his warmth.
I hope ya'll liked it. If you haven't seen the authors note i put up on my other story, please check that out. It will really help me. Thanks for the support. Vote and comment!❤💓

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