Chapter 15

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^^^2 words....Good God....but it's hella funny

I rolled around Oni's bed towards the edge that my dumb ass didn't realize. Her leg and right arm was thrown over my torso. See I really like Oni, but I don't know if she even likes me back and if she does, I don't want to rush her into anything she doesn't want to commit to yet. I was just in the middle of dreaming about our perfect basketball family we'll have, when the alarm went off causing my clumsy ass to fall to the floor. Oni looked over the side of the bed and started laughing her ass off. I laughed and got up off the ground and went to kiss her, which resulted in me getting pushed away. "I HAVEN'T BRUSHED MY TEETH!!" She tried to get up, but I successfully pinned her to the bed.  "I don't care," I whispered as I leaned in and kissed her. When we pulled qway, I asked her," What do you want to do today? Hunter has practice from 11-1 today and I think Gelo is gonna go watch or he's gonna spend time with Eli, if he can't watch. What time do Ari and Zo get back?" She shrugged,"I think she said around 1:30. Maybe you could take me on an actually date. We're over here acting like some married couple, but we've never had a real date." We both laughed. It's a true statement though. We heard a knock on the door. "I heard giggles and I hope it's not my 2 favorite teenagers making mini mes!" Hunter yelled. "I'm not ready to be an uncle and Hunter isn't ready to be an aunt," Gelo added. We heard a slap from Hunter hitting Gelo in the back of the head. "Speak for yourself bitch! I'm completely ready to be an aunt. I'd be the best aunt ever. I'm just ready to see my baby sister be a momma yet....Ari on the other hand can do whatever the fuck she wants but not my baby sister." We laughed and I told Melo to play along. "Oh no. We're laughing because we just found out that I'm 1 week pregnant. We're gonna be parents!" I yelled through the door. "I'm so happy to be a dad!" Melo added. Gelo and Hunter burst through the door. "No the fuck you aint!" Gelo exclaimed. "Okay Oni I get that you are a hormonal teenager......BUT YOU'RE THE SMART ONE!!! YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO GET PREGNANT!" I cleared my throat looking at the 2 angry 17 year old teen couple in front of me. "First off, I'm not the smart one, that's Ari. Second of all, it was a joke I'm not pregnant. Lastly, ya'll need to get a life if you're worried and Melo and I all the damn time." The 2 teens rolled their eyes and walked out to get ready for the day. Melo looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Teenagers...," he said. I looked him with my 'bitch wtf' face and said,"Nigga, you stay on some dumb shit.....You are a teenager so don't give me that teenager shit," I laughed. We then got ready and went downstairs to see Hunter eating and cooking food and Gelo eating and admiring her ass while she cooked. "Take a picture. It lasts longer," I whispered in his ear. When Hunter was done, Melo asked, "Hunter. Can Oni and I talk to you?" I gave him the 'nigga why u involving me in this shit' face asked he gave me the 'bc it's your sister' face. We went into her mom's office and she asked," What's up?" "You need to tell Gelo about the comments," Melo informed her. She looked at me,"You told him?" "No I saw them on my own." "Look the point is," I said," that Gelo loves you very much and  he'll help you." "Look guys I know her loves me, but he prolly already went through this shit multiple, if not too many times, with Isabella and I don't wanna be her." "Look at me, Hunter," Melo stated firmly," He looks at you in ways he never looked at Izzy. I know he's hooked.  He's not leaving because he intends to spend the rest of his life with you. He gets the same look in his eyes when he sees you that my dad gets when he looks at my mom. It's full of pure admiration. Now being in a relationship means that you have to help each other, forgive each other, trust each other, and believe in each other." "Work it out with him," I said," he can help." She looked at us. "So you're telling me to work it out with him as a couple?" "Yes and do it soon because if Gelo finds out by himself or through someone else, he won't be too happy," I said. She nodded and agreed to talk to him later, at night. We all walked out and Hunter grabbed her sports bag and her keys and Gelo grabbed his keys as he was going to hang with Will, Eli Brandon, and Phaquan, while Hunter, Destiny, Michaela, and Will's girlfriend, Aliyah Fashsaw, who's super nice and one of the setters on the volleyball team, were at practice and while Makayla was at cheer rehearsal. Melo and I, more like Melo, decided that he'd take me bowling and to Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles for lunch. The date was super fun and full of kisses. I got a text from Ari on our way hime that she'd be home around 1:45ish and that we needed to talk. When we came back, Hunter and Gelo were home with Hunter looking a little angry and I told her we just had to wait for Ari. At around 1:45, the door to the garage swung open to reveal and overly excited Ari and a cocky looking Lonzo. Ari grabbed mine and Hunter's hand and led upstairs.

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