Chapter 2:Magic,dragons,and war?

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Down a hole of light, Miyah was scared out of her mind. Eren grabbed her hand and they finally exited the light. They stood in the mountains, two armies in silver armor stared at eachother in suspense. The sky was ominous and gray. "Where are... we?"

"The war of Haze, it's an ancient war of a different dimension." Luna grabbed Miyah's arm.

"Are family was trapped in a alternate dimension similar to this one but with a change of outcomes, basically the collision of the two armies destroy this dimension. When my parents did a spell sacred to our family they were somehow dragged to that alternate dimension." Miyah seemed very confused.

"Long story short we try to get to where they are but we always come here, we looked everywhere and finally got in contact with the dimension there in and they told us to find you before the fight begins." Eren explained.

"Wait huh why me?"

"Not sure but we'll find out once we get to the top of Mount Dayne" Luna pointed to a large mountain in the distance.

"That's so far, how do we get there?" Miyah asked.

Eren and Luna pulled out a gold metal wand. "Magic."

Miyah couldn't understand everything seemed all too real for comfort. Suddenly behind them she spotted something flying at her. "Is that a...LOOK OUT" A dragon flew passed them in fast speed and Miyah got hit by it's leg and fell to the ground.


"Get up Miyah get up!"

Miyah passed out.

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