Chapter 9:Eren

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Miyah had another nightmare again but this one was different. She had seen herself running in the forest, she had seen a see threw male which looked all to familiar. It was Eren, who Miyah never thought existed. When she brought them up to her friends about them being absent and their trip to see a dragon they all acted like they had no clue what she was talking about.

Eren spotted her and ran towards her. Miyah you gotta help me! I know your dreaming right now and probably will pass it on as some illusion made up by your subconscious but I need your help, Luna needs your help...s-she's b-been kid-kidnapped....Oh man I-I'm losing sig-signal...come meet me...woods...

Miyah jumped up out of her sleep and tried slowing her heart rate. She wondered to herself if the dream was real. It felt so real to her it was hard to ignore it. Eren basically told her it wasn't a dream.

The logic confused her,maybe because she was 10, and got ready for school.

"Hey Miyah you want to my house after school?"

Miyah snapped out of her daze and looked over at her friends who crowded at her desk. "Um sure I would love to, but I can't I got to meet a friend of mine.

"Oooh a friend so what's his name?"

"Why does it have to be a guy?" Her friends gave her the Really? Look and Miyah had no choice but to spill. "His name's Eren and no we're not dating or anything he's just a friend."

"Isn't he the guy you said knows magic and his sister who pulled you through a wall to find their parents?"

Miyah hesitated. "No it's a different Eren."

"Well I would like to meet him one day."

"Yeah me too. Is he cute?"

Miyah laughed, "Well...maybe just alittle."

After school Miyah followed Eren's instructions and went to the woods. Eren was there sitting by a tree talking to a...bird? Miyah walked up to him. "Um Eren?"

He looked up. He was taller then he used to him but still had the nervous look and yellow eyes. "Miyah you actually came?"

"Well you said you needed help. how did you talk to me in my dream anyway?"

Eren waved a stick with a sphere like dimond on top. "I went into the dream realm to try to connect with Luna find out where he was keeping her but I found you instead."

"So it was real?"

"Stay low!" Eren grabbed Miyah and pulled her down. "He's coming."

"Who?" Miyah whispered.

"The menace, the axe killer, woods murderer. Ring any bells?"

"You mean Denis?"

"Who's that?" Eren moved Miyah behind him as a guy with big boots walked by. Once he was out of sight Eren grabbed Miyah's hand. "Hurry while he's gone." They ran through the woods towards the house. Miyah thought she will never see the place again but she hoped to get Mr.Greg back and see Kimberly.    

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