Chapter One

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No matter how many times a snake sheds its skin, it's still a snake.

I couldn't stand it there. Where my family used to live. Then it was only my father and myself. Then only him. Then only me. Every morning I woke up in a rush to leave, to feel Riverdale's sunlight on my skin, to be anywhere but there.

I stepped out of the trailer wearing all black and my beanie. I had finally gotten used to shrugging on my jacket every morning. Everyone on the south side of the tracks already knew who I was and who I had become, as did everyone on the north side who mattered. I had nothing to hide and everyone to offend. Most days, I left before I knew where I was going, which didn't really bother me. It wasn't that hard to end up somewhere in Riverdale.

The morning in question, however, I knew exactly where I was going. The same place I was always going, at least a little. I was going to Betty.

Betty Cooper, who I worked with in the Blue and Gold at school, who worked with me to help solve Jason Blossom's murder, who's never given up on me. Betty Cooper, the strongest person I know. Betty Cooper, my best friend. Betty Cooper, my girlfriend. It wasn't a stretch for me to usually go to her.

We were going to Pop's, Riverdale's diner. We ordered burgers and milkshakes and began to talk, and laugh. God, I loved it when she laughed. I just loved her. I still do, in fact. I don't think I'll ever stop. School let out not too long ago, so we had a lot of days like these, which was perfect for me. I was absolutely head over heels for Betty, and I was pretty sure she felt the same. I was perfectly happy, a state in which I was not accustomed to being. It made me pleasantly uncomfortable, which is as strange as it sounds.

As good things often do, this soon ended.

I was so enthralled in my conversation with Betty, I didn't hear the door open, or the sound of heavy boots walking toward me. I was only aware of his presence when his thick, gruff voice said my name.

"Jughead. Jughead Jones." The sound of my own name ripped me out of my lovesick stupor and startled me. Betty looked at me quizzically with wide eyes. In my surprise, it took me a few moments to realize who I was looking at. I shook my head and blinked a few times before I said, mustering the most pleasant voice I could,

"Hello, Donny." I said it with a wry smile, "What seems to be the problem?"

"Well, Junior, we've been talking at the Worm, and we think it's about time you live up to that name of yours."

At this, I let my face drop to one of shock, I looked over at Betty, whose eyes had grown wider in fear. I swallowed and cleared my throat. Even hearing about the Whyte Worm made my blood run cold. It was the bar the Serpents called their base; it was also where Jason Blossom was murdered by his own father.

"And what would that entail?"

"You'd be a part of the gang, man. We're watching out for you, but you need to learn to watch out for yourself, and maybe pick up where your old man left off."

It actually made a little bit of sense. Also, aside from Betty and my friends, the Serpents were my family now. Since my father got locked up, they've been looking out for me and helping me out when I need it. I belonged there, which was strange to think as I truly believed not too long ago that I didn't belong anywhere.

"Ok." I said after a moment.

"Juggie..." Betty's shocked voice whispered. I put a hand over hers and nodded to indicated that I would be alright, that I knew what I was doing. She sighed and nodded back, smiling a little.

"Sounds good. I think this is what your father would've wanted. Tonight at 9:30 be at the Worm." Donny left then without another word.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

I think this is what your father would've wanted. They're beginning to talk about him like he's dead, not just rotting away in jail. Then Betty spoke for the first time since he showed up.

"Juggie, are you sure this is safe? I would hate for you to get mixed up with..." She trailed off, breaking eye contact.

"With the kind of trouble my father did?" I said gently, "Betty, they've done a lot for me lately! I mean, you were there. You heard what they said. And they're doing it. They're the best part of my dad I have left."

She grimaced, and then began to nod.

"I trust you know what's best for yourself."

By this time, we had finished our food and milkshakes.

"What do we do now?" She asked. "I don't have to be home until 6:00."

I checked the time on my phone. It was 2:30.

"We could head back to my place?" I suggested, "Maybe watch a movie?"

"Sounds good to me."

With that, we paid and left.

A/N: As of right now, I'm not exactly sure when I'll be posting but it'll probably be 1-3 times a week, at least until school starts! I'm not entirely sure when this will end, but it'll probably be towards the end of summer. Please be sure to like vote and comment!


Shedding Our Skin {Jughead Jones}{Bughead}Where stories live. Discover now