Chapter Two

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I shut the door of the trailer and turned to my girlfriend. It was almost bearable when she was here. She smiled at me, revealing straight, white teeth. I automatically became flustered, and smirked at her.

"What?" She asked, giggling.

"You." I replied simply. She began to giggle more, and began to look anywhere but at me.

"So," I said, "What do you want to do?"

"We could lay down and watch a movie?" I suggested. At the end of the school year, Betty bought me a new television and DVD player as a gift. She called it a thank-you-for-being-an-excellent-boyfriend gift. I called it "she didn't like my T.V.".

"Sounds good." She took her cardigan off and we walked to my bedroom. "What do you want to watch?"

"Um, I'm not sure, what do we have?" I inquired.

"Well, there's Pulp Fiction, Rebel Without a Cause, and- Oh! Beauty and the Beast!" She turned around, "Please, Juggie?"

I smiled. That nickname melted me and she knew it. I sighed,

"Sure, why not?" I smiled wider.

"Thank you!" Not to ramble about my feelings for her, but she really looked precious.

About halfway through the movie, she turned towards me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Juggie? Can I ask you something?" She seemed slightly troubled.

"Sure, Bets, what's wrong?" I asked her.

"Are you really going to join the Serpents? Like, full time?"

I thought for a moment, trying to form an answer.

"Well, yes, I am." I answered after a moment, "I belong there, Betty. My father trusted them and they really do keep an eye out for me. Also, my father didn't deserve the fate he got. What if I could help him through the Serpents? Or at least take his place, and make sure he comes back to something recognizable. I owe it to him to help them, and I think I'll be safe with them."

"I understand. I'm only worried that you're going to get into trouble and end up with enemies, or in jail-" She paused for a moment,"-Or worse. Also, what does that mean for our friends? Or for us?"

"I'm sure whatever happens, I'll be alright. I've been in more a few tough situations and I'm practically fine! Look, I know this is pretty serious but don't underestimate me, I'll be alright. I promise. As for our friends, I'll still be able the hang out with you guys! The only difference is every once in a while I may have a Serpent commitment. Nothing will change. As for us, you are still the most important person in my immediate life, and I promise I won't do anything to jeopardize your safety or our relationship. I love you, Betty Cooper, and I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe and our relationship healthy. Other than our relationship growing stronger, nothing with change between us."

She smiled, "Okay, Juggie, I trust you."

"Good." I said, and then I kissed her, pulling her closer.

After our moment, she laid with her face right next to mine, and fell asleep.

I stared mostly at her and the ceiling, thinking about the life ahead of me. I really only had three priorities - Betty, my father, and the Serpents. Everything else was pretty much taken care of. Betty's parents hired me to come work part-time at the Register as a reporter, I had the trailer to live in, and I had applied for a part-time job at Pop's, with Betty. Besides, if the Serpents turned out to be more than I could handle, I surly would figure something out.

Shedding Our Skin {Jughead Jones}{Bughead}Where stories live. Discover now