Chapter Sixteen

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Donny was a wreck. I could tell it's been a while since he's talked about this.

"Donny, why don't you go lie down? I'll cook, just get some rest." I suggested.

The older man stood up wearily. I hadn't noticed how old he actually was until this moment. I watched him trudge to his bedroom before I walked into his kitchen and began to look for something to cook.

I stirred the spaghetti noodles slowly, remembering the last time I had (or at least tried to) cook this particular meal. The night the twins were born.

As I had done more times than you'd think, I thought about those times. I wondered how the babies were doing, and how their mother and aunt were doing. I asked myself if they knew me, or had even heard about their "Uncle Jughead". I didn't know what to think.

After I set the table, I went to stir Donny from his nap. As I helped him out of bed, I was once again taken aback by his sudden aging.

"This is really good, son." He said, eating the spaghetti steadily.

"Thanks. It's really the only thing I know how to cook." I admitted, "Betty showed me how."

"Have you heard from her?" He asked.

"No." I said. "I don't want to. I want her safe, far away from me."

"What does she want?" He asked.

"I'm not sure, really, I left in the night." I told him.

"So you made the decision for her?" He asked, almost amused.

"Well," I said, trying to defend myself. "actually, yes. I suppose I did."

"I can tell you're hurting. It's aging you, or maybe that's just your hat being gone."

I put my hand on my head. I had forgotten what it felt like to wear it.

"I left it with her, by mistake." I explained.

"I can't imagine it's easy for her, either. I can tell you meant a lot to her." Said Donny.

"I'm not worth her being unsafe."

"Maybe that isn't your decision to make. She isn't a character from one of your books, Jughead. She isn't some ink-and-paper damsel in distress that needs you to look out for her. She's strong, her mother was strong, and she doesn't need anyone to make decisions for her." Donny said sternly.

"I hadn't thought of it like that." I admitted.

"I know you didn't. You're young, I wouldn't expect you to. But take it from me, the rest of your life is a long to be without someone you care about. You have a chance to be with that person, don't let it go. If I had the chance to be with Grace, I would do it in a heartbeat, and don't think our marriage was easy. Go to her, Jug, make this right."

"I will. Thank you Donny." I said sincerely.

I helped him do this dishes, then got ready to return to the Worm.

"Why don't you stay here?" He suggested, "Let me pay you back for dinner. A night or two on a real bed."

"I'd really appreciate that, Donny." I knew better than to pass up a chance at a bed.

He led me down the house's one hallway. He opened a door to a standard girl's bedroom. In it was a dresser, a desk, a bookshelf, and a bed with a white bed set.

"This was Abby's room. I figure you wouldn't appreciate sleeping in the baby's room, or a room done entirely in pink." The man explained.

"I'd be okay sleeping anywhere. Are you sure you're okay with me sleeping in Abby's room?" I asked.

"It's fine. The rooms might as well be used." He told me kindly.

I smiled at him, and, to my surprise, he pulled me into a hug. I'll admit I almost started crying. I felt like I had a father for the first time in a long time.

After taking my shirt off, I laid down in the bed and went to sleep immediately.

"Hey, Jughead. Jug. Wake up!" Donny was shaking me frantically.

"I'm up." I said, sitting up quickly. "What's wrong?"

"We have to get to the Worm. Now." He said.

I jumped up, and ran after him. Before we left, I grabbed my jacket from the living room and threw it on, still shirtless.

Donny was pushed 90 mph in his old truck, so we were there in a little less than three minutes.

We threw open the doors to reveal the entirety of the gang talking at once.

I jumped onto the table, and shouted over the crowd for everyone to calm down. Once it was semi-quiet, I asked what had happened.

Joaquin spoke up.

"Pug has resurfaced. His group is starting to go work with the Muertos and the Candle Sticks. They jumped Sling a few hours ago."

"Where's Sling?" I asked.

"They had to take him to the hospital, and it's not looking good for him." He explained.

"I'm stopping this now." I decided. "We are the Southside Serpents. We don't take this crap."

"What do you think we should do?" Someone from the crowd asked.

"I have a few ideas..."

Shedding Our Skin {Jughead Jones}{Bughead}Where stories live. Discover now