Chapter Twenty

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The dinner table I was sitting at was far too nice for me. The white table cloth told me this.

I ran my fingers through my hair but was stopped by my beanie. I thought I'd left it in the Cooper's home.

"Jughead." I voice says, breaking me out of my thoughts. I look up.

"Jughead, could you please pass the mashed potatoes?" Betty asked.

"Oh, sure, sorry." I said, passing them to her. "Where am I?"

She frowned at me, her eyebrows knitted. "Juggie? Are you feeling alright? You're home. You're in our home."

"I'm fine, I guess I'm just not thinking right."

"Preoccupied with your book?" She asked.

"Yes. I am." I said.

"I'm really so proud of you. By the way, my friends were wondering if you'd be interested in autographing their copies of the last one, would that be okay?"

"The last one?" I asked her, confused.

"Jughead. What is- oh, I see." She said with an eerie calm.

"Wha-" I asked, following her eyes to the table in front of me. Blood was gushing out of a gaping hole in my stomach. The once white table cloth was mostly red.

"Not again. It's ok, Juggie, it's just time for you to go." She said.

Hearing this made me panic, for some reason.

I pressed my hands against my stomach, trying to cover the wound.

"I'm okay. I'm alright, I promise, I don't want to go. I can't, Betsy, I'm happy here. I don't want to go."

The hole spread, until you could see straight through me. Blood fell to the ground and covered everything. There was more blood on the ground and table then there could be in my body.

"I don't want to go." I whimpered.

"Jughead." The table was suddenly gone, and Betty stood only a few feet away from me. She put a hand on the side of my face tenderly.

"It's time to let go."

Shedding Our Skin {Jughead Jones}{Bughead}Where stories live. Discover now