Chapter Fifteen

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Trigger Warning: Suicide mention marked by [brackets]

"We knew this would happen eventually!" A man called from the crowd. This was the first serious meeting we'd had like this since Pug left.

"We need to send a message back." Sling called.

"I agree. And I have just the plan." I said, smiling for the first time since I left the Coopers.

Looking through a pair of binoculars, I spotted him. His name was Johnnie, and he was the man closest to Pug. He was the target.

I spoke into the walkie talkie as quietly as I could.

"Go." I said.

Out of seemingly nowhere, Donny, Joaquin, and Sling pounced upon the man, knocking him out.

We threw him in Donny's truck, and took him to the Worm.

He woke up bound at his wrists and ankles. We watched through the window in the door, as the snake we found slithered toward him.

He saw it and panicked, screaming and writhing. In this state, he kicked the snake. Not hard, but hard enough to make it mad.

It struck twice, and slithered away. We listened and watched until the man had grown still and stopped screaming. He was dead. We could send our message now.

I sent Joaquin and Johnnie to drop off the corpse,wrapped in a shower curtain. I knew he wouldn't be prosecuted because neither Pug nor his followers could risk even speaking to the police.

Three weeks later, school started back. I would be attending Southside High, alongside some children of the Serpents.

I fit in there better than I ever would at Riverdale High. The sea of dark colors and constant existential struggle was where I belonged. As I walked the halls, a Junior, the pain within me let up for the first time since the day the twins were born.

Our message must've worked, because we didn't hear much from Pug or any of his followers from some time.

However, a dull anxiety settled into my stomach. He didn't seem like the type to give up so easily.

I casually mentioned this to Donny one day. I met him at the Worm for drinks and to talk.

He ordered a beer and I ordered a Coke. We sat and talked about some of the things that had been going on with the Serpents.

We were talking about a drug deal that went slightly astray not too long ago. The buyers were about $400 short. Guns were drawn, and the extra money was handed over. I didn't go.

"Donny," I said, "I confess Pug has me a bit worried."

Just then, my phone rang. It was Betty.

This had been going on for a while. She would call me at all hours and send me messages I found too painful to ever read. I was counting down the days until I saw her at the Worm. Nonetheless, I was confident that Alice understood. My father new Alice Cooper when they were younger, and mentioned once that she was from the Southside. She knew how dangerous this was, for all of us, and she wanted Betty safe like I did.

I clicked Decline, and put my phone back in my pocket.

"Why? Have you heard from him?" He asked, concerned.

"No. I just- he doesn't seem like the kind to give up. To step away this easily."

"I understand, son. It's not like we can track him down, though. We'd just be stirring up trouble."

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