Ch 19 - Revive

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I made a handful of people cry and make everyone speechless last chapter. Just to note Rias isn't joining the fight, your not taken away, and one more major event will be at the end of the chapter. And I think everyone will love where this is going.

I also got a Q and A going on. Ask your questions in the comments or on my conversation board. Ask away and I'll get back to everyone.



"Honey." Akeno shouted and ran over to you. Your pulse weakened. It was getting close. Wait. That's it.

She examines the bottle that you asked her to hang onto. It's the tears that Ravel gave to you earlier that morning. She takes out the bottle and pours them on your chest and back.

A shiny star light glowed over you as you coughed on the ground.

"That's no bullshit. I knew it." You smile.

"What the hell did you just do?" Gasped Leia.

You gained your ground back on your feet slowly. A little off balance at first but it'll have to do.

"Well mother it's a devil trick. Think I would fall for the garbage?"

"You bitch."

"Whoa now. Speak for yourself. You just borderline killed me."

"And if you do that without warning I'll smack the taste out of your mouth and have pleasure from it." After all we have learned you pull this on me. Why did you do it? Make me watch this happen to you. Selfish bastard.


"Exactly how are you going to do this Akeno? His mind is in pieces."

"With his parents and Ravel I don't know how."

"Its not like their is a good time is there?"

"At the moment no."

"What's his relationship with Ravel like?"

"He refers him to Shirley Temple because of the poker night and Nurse after he wacked his head from that fall."

"Is he?......."

"No way. I believe in him. He's faithful. And either way I could make it work. Just like what you do with Issei."

"Difference between loving multiple people versus a mistress and a side girl."

"I have more on the table to offer and you know that as well."

"As you wish. But please be careful. You know fighting isn't healthy for you in your condition."

"I feel weak as it is. Don't remind me."

"Be safe Akeno. You're my best friend and sister. I want what's best.

- End Flashback

Leia laughed. "It seems we will never have the chance of being in laws. Although I'm jealous of you. That look and all."

"You're a monster. And if you think this is over you have another thing coming." Akeno was getting hot. She was ready to kick ass.

"Son put that bitch on a lease." Said your father.

"Leave the broad at home Loke." You winked.

"If you're going to talk to me like man then you'll fight like a man."

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