Ch 27 - Couch

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The first time you and Akeno actually get into a fight. Verbally of course. But was it hormones on your end? Or was it something else? Rage? Could be. Either way, time to make it happen. It was only days before the wedding. And a few chapters until the end of Volume 1.



This was one of the only times you could be pissed off and everyone knew. When you left the room in a huff Akeno knew and so did the guys. Even freaking out Gasper as he hide behind Kiba. So much going through your head but had to take it one at a time. You look at your friends with a devious smile.

"Titty bar anyone?"

Issei being in his perv nature was over joyed. "Dude for real? Hell yeah. Can't wait. Nice titties coming at ya."

Gasper was hugged around Kiba's legs. This made him dreadfully nervous. He was young and had the mindset of a child but was dense or clueless enough to know what you were planning. "No! Kitty will kill me. I don't like it when she's mad."

Kiba patted the head of the little guy and shook his head. "I can understand where he's coming from. My... I can't put a label on it can I?"

"Nope. It's there but not there. Sorry if I lack any sense."

He sighed. "We can't just leave him here. The girls are having an epic day of events. After your fiancè's results they got dress shopping and a baby shower. They'll be gone all day. I'd say we got to fill the void."

You nodded with a smirk. "Which is exactly why I have enough small bills to get four men laid if I felt like it. Figure of speech of course."

Issei jumped in the air. "Yahoo! Lays."

Kiba facelalmed himself. "Without the strip club gents. Can you think of anything?"

"You know Kiba I think the strippers would like you too. Especially since the day you get married you'll have to send an apology letter to every single woman waiting in line."


"For the like the fifth time in this story Kiba you have maybe hundreds who want your sperm and baby. If Tsubaki ever miss treated you, you don't need luck in the dating pool. That's final."

(Shout out to 4th Wall Insurance Incoporated.)

"Look dude I know I'm a little frustrated but..." You and Issei cross your arms and just stare with a smirk. His walls were coming down. "Alright if Gasper can man up and go then I'm in. And I'll protect him."

"Or he can join them on stage." You laugh.

"Am I that cute?" Pondered Gasper who peaked out from behind Kiba.

"If you become in the show not sure to throw money or throw garlic."


"What? You want a trap on stage?"

"If it boosts his confidence then yes." You ordered. "But stage involves people. He's shy. Oh well. Gasper. You have all three of us. We're a family. So on you. You want to see some ladies? They are nice."

"Very nice." Put in Issei.

"Gasper if you go I'll go."


"G-strings and titty slings coming at ya."

"Dammit Issei. Gotta say it like that?"

"Why not?"

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