Ch 20 - Pops

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Just as you killed off your parents you received the shocking news that will change your life forever. And now to prove those you defeated wrong. Starting now.



"I'm........ Daddy?"

"We're going to have a baby."

"We're........ PREGNANT BABY OH YES!" You raised your arms and started running back and forth. Then slide on your knees to hold your face against abdominal area to rub it. "Akeno are you as happy as I am?"

"Yes. Although I'm still calling you Daddy......... in bed."

"Fair. I just want us to cherish this moment before everyone finds out." You were ecstatic as your dream was slowly becoming a reality.

"Rias knows. But she is the only one."

"As I figured. She's basically your sister."

"It's Rias. What can I say?"

"I'm going to ditch these clothes and shower."

"And I shall join. You're helping me through all of this."

"Fair. Just need to get wash myself first. I'm probably bad."

"Oh honey." She smiled. "You're flithy."

You laughed. "Way to clear the mood. Let's get clean."

It was unusual for someone to be showering around midday but this was an exception. You only got borderline killed and those clothes couldn't be salvaged. Akeno turned on the water as you started washing your torso area.

"Those tears work."

"If I told you I was pregnant would you act like an ass?" She grumbled.

"I wouldn't. In fact I wouldn't bring you along. I'd ask Kiba."

"Not Issei?"

"Kiba would be much more fitting."

"I guess your right."

It took two or three times to lather all the sweat, blood, and other grim off your body. Akeno one the other hand was clean and just needed a light scrub.

"You were clean to begin with. Why you having me scrub you?"

"Because in due I'll have swollen feet and not reach my shins to shave my legs."

"Gotcha. That's fair. So more like training. Dammit. More training."

"Hehe. Like you don't feeling my curves."

"Well...... uhhh baby you are a beautiful woman. So that's an obvious one."

"Well let's rinse and get dressed. We have important news to tell everyone."

"Who else are we telling. Only three know so far right?"

"That's correct."

"Well then. What happens when your Pops finds out?"

"I haven't gotten that far."

"Might need to go back to the casino."

"Why's that hun?"

"Tide over ice. Same concept."


"Yes Dear."


It was time. You put on your regular clothes, got a bag to throw out this old ones, and Akeno was getting comfortable in her room. This was reality. And it felt so good and tasted ever so sweet. Like soft cuddles and sugar high. But also had some other people in mind.

Thunder Love and Priestess  (Akeno X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now